Search results

  1. StryderxX

    Redfall (Arkane Studios)

    Out of the main three corporations that have consoles on the market Microsoft is the worst at evaluating their upcoming games library and ensuring that they're releasing a quality product to the market. Redfall should have never seen the light of day. They did more damage releasing it than...
  2. StryderxX

    Hi-Fi RUSH

    Microsoft tried to buy their way to success and have failed miserably. All those executives from the top down need to go.
  3. StryderxX

    Redfall (Arkane Studios)

    Saw this one coming from a mile away. Sucks for Tango Gameworks, Hi-Fi Rush was a really good game.
  4. StryderxX

    Horizon Forbidden West

    This thread is about to get locked because it got completely derailed. IMO Horizon Forbidden West is one of the best open world ARPGs out now on PC so enjoy it for what it is. I really don't see the need to micro analyze the shape of the main protagonist's face. Go out there and have fun hunting...
  5. StryderxX

    intel 13th and 14th gen xx900 and xx700 may have defective cores causing crashes in gaming

    Note: If you set your motherboard CPU power limits to match Intel specs and your games are sill crashing you need to reach out to Intel for an RMA. I'm seeing multiple reports from Reddit that CPUs have been damaged by running them with unrestricted power limits.
  6. StryderxX

    intel 13th and 14th gen xx900 and xx700 may have defective cores causing crashes in gaming

    Not really. Check out the video that CAD4466HK posted. Intel has "recommended" values that are posted on their site...
  7. StryderxX

    intel 13th and 14th gen xx900 and xx700 may have defective cores causing crashes in gaming

    So in the past Intel claimed that having unrestricted power limits was "in spec" as long as you didn't change the CPU multiplier but now that consumers are reporting crashes they're back pedaling and saying that the problem is with motherboard partners that are not following the Intel power...
  8. StryderxX

    No Rest for the Wicked

    I checked this out for about an hour and so far it seems to have potential. The graphics looks great. The art style reminds me of the Dishonored series. The controls feel really good with weapons having different weight and momentum. The one thing that I think should be addressed is the healing...
  9. StryderxX

    Horizon Forbidden West

    Finally beat the main game and the Burning Shores DLC. It took me 78 hours. This is easily one of the best open world games I've played in a long time. Looking forward to where this story goes next.
  10. StryderxX

    Horizon Forbidden West

    The base game. I haven't started Burning Shores yet.
  11. StryderxX

    Horizon Forbidden West

    I'm 69 hours in and about to start what I believe is the final battle. This game is super impressive.
  12. StryderxX

    Elder Scrolls 6 (VI)

    As much as I loved Skyrim back in the day I'm not really excited about Bethesda dropping another game using the Creation Engine.
  13. StryderxX

    Horizon Forbidden West

    Well Guerrilla programmed the game so you have to give them props for that.
  14. StryderxX

    Horizon Forbidden West

    This seems to be a really good port. Congrats to Guerrilla and Nixxes.
  15. StryderxX

    Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (Rocksteady)

    I'll pick up a copy at $25
  16. StryderxX

    Iptorrent Invites

    I'll never give a 1 post user a torrent invite.
  17. StryderxX

    Last Epoch

    I'm assuming it's online since there are no issues moving through zones in offline mode.
  18. StryderxX

    Last Epoch

    I just tried logging in and they’ve added a queue system to the game (north east server).
  19. StryderxX

    Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (Rocksteady)

    This game is clearly an epic failure for Rocksteady. Not sure who thought that floating around and shooting guns was something that Batman Arkham fans were interested in. I actually think that Gotham Knights had a better vision but the execution was lacking. A multiplayer Arkham Knight would...
  20. StryderxX

    Last Epoch

    The game had some decent stability last night but that seems to only apply to online single player. I was on with 3 friends and traveling between zones as a group was still broken. The devs were telling us to have only 1 player in the group travel to the new zone then have the rest of the team...
  21. StryderxX

    Last Epoch

    Day three and the Last Epoch shit show continues. If you're lucky enough to actually get into an online game you'll deal with long waits to simply travel to a new zone. I was in a game with 3 friends and everyone was dealing with different issues constantly. This seems like very poor planning on...
  22. StryderxX

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    I have a level 60 sorceress in Season 3 and I have to admit that this is the worst one so far. The new pet feels really underpowered compared to the season 1 malignant hearts and season 2 vampiric abilities. I'll probably keep playing it casually with my friends but it's not good IMO.
  23. StryderxX

    New Youtube anti-adblock tactic- being a resource hog- debunked, was Adblock issue

    So to test this go to Youtube and play a video then switch it to fullscreen then back to windowed and you'll see lag. This just started happening recently. As someone already mentioned I don't see the lag problem with Firefox.
  24. StryderxX

    Nvidia RTX 4090 power connectors melting?

    When I purchased my first 4090 I ordered a custom 12VHPWR cable from Cable Mod. What they sent seemed poorly made but I still decided to use it. I immediately started experiencing black screen issues until I removed the custom cable. I reported the problem to Cable Mod and they sent me a...
  25. StryderxX

    Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (Rocksteady)

    I played the Alpha build and from what I saw the story is pretty good IMO. I'll admit that it was a very small portion of the game but I didn't come away with a negative feeling.
  26. StryderxX

    (Multiple Retailers) Xbox Series X for $349

    Right, I was referring specifically to the Xbox Series X/S consoles. It's clear that the hardware isn't selling well. Here are some figures: "The PlayStation 5 is currently ahead by 19.97 million units. The PlayStation 5 has sold 43.87 million units in 35 months, while the Xbox Series X|S sold...
  27. StryderxX

    (Multiple Retailers) Xbox Series X for $349

    IMO the problem with Xbox not selling as well as the PS5 is that they don't have any true exclusive titles. Every major release is available on PC day one. Sony first party games are only available on the PS5 so you're forced to buy the console if you're interested in those titles. I wont be...
  28. StryderxX

    How many 4080/4090 owners plan to upgrade to a respective 50 series when available?

    I know this thread is about upgrading to a 5090 but my question is... where the hell are the 4090s? There's zero stock out there unless you're willing to pay scalper prices. :banghead:
  29. StryderxX

    Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

    Blizzard would have to be completely out of their minds if they implemented that type of monetization to this game so early on. I'd understand after a few years the game goes free to play then they can pivot over to a POE model.
  30. StryderxX

    Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (Rocksteady)

    I played about an hour of the alpha and I have to admit that I had fun. The traversing is unique to each character (which you can switch to on the fly) and the story so far is excellent. I can't really say much about the graphics since there was an overlay across the screen to prevent leaks. The...
  31. StryderxX

    Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (Rocksteady)

    I was just sent a Steam key for the Closed Alpha Tech Test. Is anyone else invited to this?
  32. StryderxX

    Marvel's Spider-Man 2

    Spiderman 2 is a system seller... Sony's first party studios are constantly hitting homeruns.
  33. StryderxX

    Mortal Kombat 1

    I installed the game on my laptop and I'm getting stuttering during cutscenes and gameplay. I'll test it on my desktop when I get home later tonight. Hopefully it's better there.
  34. StryderxX


    I enjoyed games like FO3/4 Skyrim etc and I'm enjoying Starfield. Sure it has issues but I think it's a good game and I'm having fun. Not sure what people were expecting but I feel like I got exactly what a dev like Bethesda is known for.
  35. StryderxX

    Star Wars Jedi: Survivor

    This game is finally performing well for me. 4K, Epic settings, Ray Tracing with DLSS 3 set to quality and it runs smooth. No stuttering.
  36. StryderxX

    Volition shutdown. Saints row dev.

    That last Saint's Row game was terrible so this isn't too surprising.
  37. StryderxX


    I've been switching between first and third person so the first person FOV issue isn't bothering me much.
  38. StryderxX


    I played it for about an hour and it seems interesting. No performance issues for me so far (13900K/4090).