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    Powering 12v TECs on the Cheap

    Like I said before, it is a great idea. Cable clutter is a small price to pay for the better performance. The first post is updated for the new info.
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    Powering 12v TECs on the Cheap

    It is not half as cheap, but as long as people get good info, that's all that matters.
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    Powering 12v TECs on the Cheap

    That is quite a valid point, but why would you need all of those amps for small pelts? Having a fanned psu would be better than a non fanned one, but either would be fine if positioned correctly. It is a great idea though, as it would make a good solution for an upgrade path.
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    Powering 12v TECs on the Cheap

    Usually people power peltier units using PSUs which can get expensive with the more units you have. For those of you looking to build a TEC cooler with a lower cost, here are some options: Corsair CX430 can be bought on sale for ~$15-20 and provides an upgrade path for larger Pelts since it has...
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    Grand Theft Auto V

    Lol, well maybe not you. But other people, new ones, probably need a mil or so to get things going
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    Grand Theft Auto V

    I upgraded to a 780 lightning from a 660ti, but since I'm also upgrading my mobo/cpu I'm stuck using a Celeron... All 14 of my fps look beautiful though :rolleyes:
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    Grand Theft Auto V

    If you guys need some starting cash, or want to do some heists, just PM me and we can exchange R* social info. I wouldn't mind helping [H] members
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    Grand Theft Auto V

    Yeah. There are heists, like 5 total, as well as new weapons, customizations, and cars. Also they added a solid gold jet and heli. Good luck trying to do hiests with random people, it usually doesn't work out. TD;LR: Heists and new crap that doesn't matter
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    Grand Theft Auto V

    If anyone needs money, I have you covered. (off record)
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    What are you nerds playing this weekend?

    I'm trying to play GTA V, but since I'm using my backup rig (middle of upgrading) it's not going too well. :( I'm just trying to be a philanthropist.
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    Is turntable still being manufacture today?

    I like the newer Pro-Jects myself. They are reasonably inexpensive, for turntables :p , and have good tonearm balance and whatnot. The sound quality's biggest factor is the needle though, and those can get expensive as well.
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    Is an old case worth the effort?

    Thanks for the input guys. I kinda felt like keeping it around, but I guess it is time for a new case after all. :(
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    Is an old case worth the effort?

    I have an old Gateway G6-333 case that I would like to modify to fit newer components since the original Pent 2 died a few months back. Any suggestions other than the occasional fan? I know I would have to dremel out a spot for the I/O panel, but that's no biggie, plus it has standard ATX...
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    ASUS is downgrading me to a GTX 780 on a GTX 780Ti RMA

    I am surprised that Asus's support is this bad. Good thing I didn't buy one of their cards, I feel bad for the guy.
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    Coolest Mom EVER!

    It is a shame she didn't even pick a better looking car to replicate from the games :(
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    Fortress Fallout Dev Receives Cease & Desist From Zenimax

    If people can copyright "saga" then why not "fallout"? I don't think it will be a big problem though
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    Brand New Users PMing FS/T Threads They tweet fairly often
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    Apple Has Hundreds Working On an Electric Car Design

    I cannot wait for this to turn out as a fake. However if it is a thing, I only hope people will choose Tesla instead of some overpriced I-whatever.
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    sheik amiibo in stock

    Thanks man, I totally spaced that Japan doesn't have the same stocking issues. Oops :D
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    Ultrawide monitor Downsides

    I imagine that the game-stretch some people experience could be fixed by using a larger FOV setting and that FPSs would no doubt benefit from using a larger FOV.
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    sheik amiibo in stock

    Aannnddd.....It's gone. I knew a guy who wanted one, looks like he will have to pay through the nose for it after all. Why doesn't Nintendo produce enough to meet the demand?
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    The Phorm Keyboard Bubbles Up When You Need It

    It is a really neat concept though. Probably the coolest party trick ever
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    The Phorm Keyboard Bubbles Up When You Need It

    This person took the words from my mind. I can't see a tablet or Ipad competing with an ultra-book on a productivity standpoint on any given day.
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    Battlefield Softline gets 5 Million suckers for Beta

    At least Hardline can't be worse than COD :p
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    What are you nerds playing this weekend?

    It is all about those Fallout games, mainly 3 and New Vegas
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    Post Your Speedtest 2015

    Not the worst, but not too good for a Ethernet connection
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    Titanfall 2 Likely to Seek Wider Audiences

    I hope Titanfall 2 will have people playing it longer than the first one.... It seems like nobody plays it these days