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  1. C

    My Best Friend and Supporter

    So sorry to hear the sad news, my condolences.
  2. C

    DC Vault 2

    On it, however I'm temperature-limited, bit warm for full-time crunching at the minute.
  3. C

    QPAD 8K

    I have a 5K which I love, needed a replacement for my G5 after they got discontinued and didn't like the G500, the 5K has been mostly good for me. My first suddenly stopped tracking after a year or so, RMA was painless. Replacement started double-clicking when single-clicking but was out of...
  4. C

    Congratulations to Gilthanis! Hard DC'er the year: 2014

    Congratulations and well deserved :)
  5. C

    quad socket f in f@h these days

    I've just picked up a quad socket F machine myself, got a HP DL585 G2 for cheap. Before that I was tempted by the same board and similar CPUs but was put off by the thought of case modding to make it fit, I do need to invest in a dremel. I'll be using mine for similar purposes, F@H or BOINC...
  6. C

    DC Vault 2

    Also had no problems although I haven't been running it as long or with as many machines.
  7. C

    PSA - DIMES is something everyone can run, no impact on other DC'ing

    My DIMES agent on my main machine died a while back and I didn't notice until today. Reinstalled over the top and will see how it goes, not sure what caused that.
  8. C


    Not yet, will do though. Looks like we're making good progress on the project, just overtaken OcUK, not far off another few overtakes and then there are a lot of static teams ahead too.
  9. C


    Just thought I would add to this, I started up Gerasim today and have also experienced this problem.
  10. C


    Old thread and maybe not relevant, but - Will have another dig around and see what I can see, it must be something I'm missing but really not sure what. Edit: doesn't look related. There are plenty of Linux hosts in the stats which would...
  11. C


    I might be missing something, but does Enigma not issue units for Linux hosts? I have never been able to get any work for Linux, on several different machines, but I am under the impression that the project does support Linux so maybe it's just me.
  12. C


    Testing on my Xeon E5504 now, will report back with findings. Currently 30pt WUs are taking a little over 2000 seconds, 60 pt WUs a little over 4000. Edit: looking good so far, 60pt WUs are coming in around 2600 seconds. Looks like a similar speedup to the results above, around 30% :) Edit2...
  13. C

    The new "died in the line of duty" thread

    My ES L5639 died a death yesterday, got home to find my PC powering on and off continuously. After much tinkering I got the machine to POST and even boot into Windows, but the IMC has **** itself, throws pages of errors on Memtest within a minute or so on known good RAM. Chucked a spare E5504...
  14. C

    DC Vault 2

    I've had it a few times where MJ-12 just craps out after it's been running for some time, have you tried changing the setting to have the client automatically restart? It's under the general options, it's possible to have it auto restart every x hours. It might be worth setting that to 24 or...
  15. C


    Yeah, those hex cores are great value as organisations clear out their old hardware. I've picked up several L56xx CPUs myself, for the lower power consumption, but those X5650s look awesome as well. No reason not to, really! I've had to cut down on my DC drastically...rising costs of, well...
  16. C

    DC Vault 2

    Sounds like they're blocking it then, it in their policy to block sites at their discretion, or what? I would've expected at least some kind of notification.
  17. C

    DC Vault 2

    Hmm. Maybe try a traceroute to the site, see where it's dropping? Try it via IP as well, Any other [H] members on the same ISP who could give it a try?
  18. C

    DC Vault 2

    I can view the forums and site, there's nothing on the forums about an outage or anything. Hmm. what DNS servers are you using? Might be worth changing to Google or OpenDNS just to see if it helps, also can you ping the site?
  19. C

    DC Vault 2

    What sort of issues? My host is averaging quite slow speeds at the minute but it also hasn't got many open buckets so I figured maybe it just doesn't have much to do right now.
  20. C

    DC Vault 2

    Interesting, currently have 8 ECM units running on this rig and they're all around 2MB, maybe it just spikes at odd times. It was an ECM unit at 1.1GB though, so at least it's not entirely unexpected, thanks for that.
  21. C

    DC Vault 2

    I just had a Yoyo unit running a fair way past 100% so I aborted it. Also, I have two OProject ALX units running at once on this rig, seems odd? Neither is using any CPU which is how it should be, but it does seem weird that it's running two simultaneously. Edit: they are both locking a...
  22. C

    DC Vault 2

    Not too bad, thanks for asking, but she wouldn't thank you for calling her the ol' lady ;) thankfully she's staying with her family for a change of scenery at the minute so she won't see heh, she's back Sunday, She's finished her course of therapy, no real improvement in her seizures but it has...
  23. C

    DC Vault 2

    It seems to be behaving itself so far but I'll keep an eye on it. I was mainly thinking of our position in FB, if it helps then it's worth running, unless it does start to cause issues. I'll see if I can get that machine reinstalled tomorrow night and have another crack at MJ-12, it'll be a...
  24. C

    DC Vault 2

    So it seems there's a network issue in the are, expected resolution date is approx 2 weeks. They reduced my bill by 25% for the next 18 months and gave me a free early upgrade from 60mbps to 100mbps, so I'll see how it goes, and once it's back to working properly I'll get MJ-12 going. I...
  25. C


    I'm all for it.
  26. C

    DC Vault 2

    If I can make it work properly I'll be setting up a client for MJ-12 at home tonight, my connection seems fine during off-peak hours just not during peak. Not ideal and believe me, they WILL be sorting this, but I'll at least be able to have it crawl overnight for a good 8 hours or so which...
  27. C

    DC Vault 2

    I was all set for setting up an MJ-12 box at home but my internet has been consistently dire for the last week or two. Waiting for them to get off their collective butts and take a look, will throw a box at it once the connection's back to working as it should.
  28. C

    DC Vault 2

    I have no GPUs crunching any more to lower heat output and power draw (and also to raise the cash from selling them). If it's not really worth running it on CPUs due to GPUs being much faster, I'll focus my CPUs elsewhere, but depending on how warm it gets I'll run my 5850 on it. It was...
  29. C

    DC Vault 2

    Does Moo! have work for CPUs, or a more relevant question might be is it worth running it on a CPU rather than GPU? Looks like we could gain a few spots in SETI quite quickly, although the points per position aren't that much.
  30. C

    DC Vault 2

    I see you on the stats now, nice :)
  31. C

    DC Vault 2

    On my Atom server, which is too weak to saturate its 100/100 connection, it averages just under 4mbps down and less than 1mbps up - it's currently at 7mbps down and only 200kbps up as it's not currently uploading results. The upload is used partially for crawling as obviously it has to send the...
  32. C

    Congratulations to CaptainUnlikely: Hard DC'er of May 2014

    I nominate...oops, wrong thread ;) Thanks for the noms guys! I'd offer tamales all round but I've never seen them here, so how 'bout some oatcakes?
  33. C


    Nice, well done!
  34. C


    Nice work, here's hoping they can and do fix the naming issue :) Off topic random fact of the day, their website actually uses the same template I used to create my first ever website, odd coincidence.
  35. C


    Two of my machines are temporarily down, pulled the vid cards to sell them and replaced with low power GPUs, and I'll be migrating them to Linux tonight. Getting strapped for cash so freeing up roughly £100 whilst reducing my power draw can only be a good thing, plus the CPU projects typically...
  36. C

    DC Vault 2

    Words fail me, that's absolutely awful communication skills. I don't think they even took it down properly, I certainly had some work units still trying to upload after they quit the project. Will have to keep an eye on the guys who ran Eon and avoid anything they're involved with in future I think.
  37. C

    DC Vault 2

    That would explain why it's been down for a few days then...nice of them to warn their donors.
  38. C


    Looks like Eon is down right now.