Search results

  1. Zepher

    Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

    Got this email today from Xbox,
  2. Zepher

    Tomb Raider, Fallout 3 others from Free from Amazon Prime

    Crap, I must have scrolled past them since I did browse before posting.
  3. Zepher

    Tomb Raider, Fallout 3 others from Free from Amazon Prime You need a GOG account for some of them
  4. Zepher

    Wife wants to play Diablo 4 but only has a HD 6850

    Personally, I'd get the TV in your situation.
  5. Zepher

    Wife wants to play Diablo 4 but only has a HD 6850

    All you need is a large open wall, or a pull down screen and one of those new laser short-throw projectors that sit right in front of the wall. I had a 3 tube CRT DATA projector in my...
  6. Zepher

    Upgrade my 1080 GTX - What recommendation?

    4770 will bottleneck any card higher than yours at 1440p. (I was running 3440x1440) my 4790k was bottlenecking my 1080Ti big time back in 2020.
  7. Zepher

    Multiple NIC’s, I have some questions

    You most likely would need to enable Internet Connection Sharing and the PC will need to be on 24/7 for the gaming PC and NAS to have an Internet connection. What is the purpose of the machine, other than being used as a switch?
  8. Zepher

    Help: memory speeds resets to stock speed after Windows restart

    To me it sounds like on the reboot, something fails, like the overclock, and then it power cycles and boots at default ram speed. Do you happen to have a spare SSD to load Windows 10 on to play with and see if the same problem happens with that OS installed? Maybe a CPU or PSU issue, memory...
  9. Zepher

    Wife wants to play Diablo 4 but only has a HD 6850

    the DW does BIOS updates now with a modern Nvidia card, my 3080Ti was able to update my main one, but a GTX 970 wouldn't update my other one.
  10. Zepher

    Downloading large torrent files to internal SSD

    Ya, it is more expensive but I'd only use it for downloads and not mass storage. I recently upgraded my internet and had to move my downloads from my 7200RPM HDD to an SSD since the HDD was bottlenecking the downloads, especially when the program is unpacking the files and downloading other...
  11. Zepher

    Wife wants to play Diablo 4 but only has a HD 6850

    I have that monitor, love it. There are 2 models, the older DW (G-Sync Ultimate) and the newer DWF (Freesync). The DW has 2 fans in it and I can hear the fan on the one in my room since the room is super quiet. I can't hear the fan on the one in the garage since my server is in the same room...
  12. Zepher

    Downloading large torrent files to internal SSD

    If you are worried about wear, get an external SSD, or assemble one from a case and a drive and use the Apple Format and use that as your download destination. These are what I use, the 2 top ones are 2.5" SATA and the bottom 3 are NVME, 10Gbps (middle one is 20Gbps)
  13. Zepher

    Wife wants to play Diablo 4 but only has a HD 6850

    1080Ti will probably work fine, I picked up one from a member here not to long ago for $145.
  14. Zepher

    Wife wants to play Diablo 4 but only has a HD 6850

    I updated my post above with some more info
  15. Zepher

    Wife wants to play Diablo 4 but only has a HD 6850

    I was playing D4 on my 5800x and A770 at 3440x1440 and it played pretty well. what res is the monitor she plans on using? Also, the Intel cards, at least the A750 and A770 need to have Resizable Bar enabled, and I am not sure if her old mobo has that feature. I am not sure how much performance...
  16. Zepher

    Shed keeps getting broken into

    Solar panels and batteries to power the motion lights, cameras, and network gear maybe.
  17. Zepher

    How to install different video drivers for two different video cards?

    DP to HDMI adapters will allow the 1080Ti to drive all 4 monitors so no need for another card. The USB to HDMI was only listed as another option, some people don't know they exist. I personally would use adapters and the single 1080Ti.
  18. Zepher

    How to install different video drivers for two different video cards?

    Or use DP to HDMI adapters , or USB to HDMI adapters I used a pair of the USB to HDMI adapters on this laptop for a client and they worked pretty decent, testing them in my room playing 3 different YouTube videos. ,
  19. Zepher

    How to install different video drivers for two different video cards?

    how many monitors are you running, 1080Ti should support 4, 3 DP and 1 HDMI. If you have only HDMI monitors, you can get DP to HDMI adaptors. probably $10 each.
  20. Zepher

    Fallout 4

    I'll see if I can see the galaxy when I fire it up later. The reason I was wondering is that all the mods are 68GB and the Fallout folder didn't seem 68GB larger. It's currently 93GB and the Mods folder is empty.
  21. Zepher

    Fallout 4

    I have never used the Nexus mod site before or modded Fallout 4, but I downloaded the Mod Pack that fixes and enhances the latest update from Bethesda. How do I know if the mods are actually working in game? I have the Steam Version of Fallout 4, btw.
  22. Zepher

    How much RAM you got?

    I like the rain effect on the ram sticks though,
  23. Zepher

    How much RAM you got?

    I upgraded to a 64GB kit last year I think. I went with a 4 stick kit so I could fill up all the slots, Corsair didn't make the dummy kits for this model ram stick at the time, but looks like they have them now, I had these dummy sticks in my other machine, 2x 16GB plus the 2 matching dummy...
  24. Zepher

    Oldest gamer I know

    The oldest gamer I know is my dad at 79 years old. He plays Skyrim and other fantasy type games like that. Back in 92/93, he bought a 486 PC and played a lot of the Ultima games.
  25. Zepher

    Corsair MM300 Extended Mousepad - $14.99

    I bought a couple of these in the past for $15 each, still using one, not sure what I did with the other one, maybe bought it for someone else.
  26. Zepher

    HTPC, not for gaming

    Doesn't Netflix also have limitations when using a PC/Browser as well, like no 4K or surround support, or something like that?
  27. Zepher

    HTPC, not for gaming

    I wouldn't use an HTPC for those activities, Firestick or Apple TV would be the better route. I use Apple TV 4k's here at my house and Firestick and Fire cube at my girls house. Firestick with the built in alexa remote is pretty nifty to, just tell it what you want and it finds it or plays it.
  28. Zepher

    Gigaplus 8-port 2.5G 2-port 10G switch $69

    I bought a pair of these a few years ago, really hard to get at the time due to the chip shortage and stuff, and they were $120 each. Nice switches but both power bricks failed after a year about a week apart. I ended up using some power bricks from some externals I shucked. Unit has a 2 year...
  29. Zepher

    SSD Health conflicting messages

    One of my drives was used for mining and wrote nearly a petabyte of data in a few days, that is why mine shows 56% life left. Is yours showing a really high total host writes?
  30. Zepher

    Any issues having front speakers having their own subwoofer connected through front speakers, in a 5.1 setup with 2 subs?

    Does your software look like this? If you change it to 2.0/2.1 Stereo Play some bass heavy music and go to this screen and just move the sub up and down and see if anything changes on your setup. It doesn't do anything on my setup since I have 2.1 but my sub runs between my speakers and is...
  31. Zepher

    Can i smoke in the same room where is pc?

    not sure how harmful but it leaves a residue and smell on the parts. A fire in your house and your PC sucking up all the smoke and soot makes the PC really filthy though. this is a machine I sold to a friend who had a kitchen fire. I fully cleaned it and upgraded the coolers and fans,
  32. Zepher

    Can i smoke in the same room where is pc?

    Depending on how heavy you smoke and how ventilated the room is will determine how much nicotine will get stuck to the parts in the PC. I used to smoke in the garage for years with the ashtray in front of my PC and the inside of the PC wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, and there are no...
  33. Zepher

    [Prime Gaming] [Microsoft Store] Fallout 76 FREE with Prime till 5-15-24

    I guess I do own it. I remember buying it when it came out but got a refund for it since there was so many issues with the game at launch.
  34. Zepher

    [Prime Gaming] [Microsoft Store] Fallout 76 FREE with Prime till 5-15-24

    What do you mean? Both versions are listed on my screen and I can claim either or both,
  35. Zepher

    [Prime Gaming] [Microsoft Store] Fallout 76 FREE with Prime till 5-15-24

    this is the message I received, I just redeemed the code fo the Xbox,
  36. Zepher

    X570 Crosshair VIII Dark Hero

    I'd do it but if you live near a Microcenter, that means you would live 3 hours from me at least since that is the closest MC to me. Wha's the warranty on your board? 3 years? maybe send it in and have a spare if they do warranty it.
  37. Zepher

    X570 Crosshair VIII Dark Hero

    try the removing of the gpu I mentioned, it worked for me a few weeks ago when I had a post issue.