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  1. Tornlogic

    [H]ardOCP vs Team Anandtech Folding@Home race

    Is there a team stat's page for WCG? I see this: or however that link might translate on your computer. but that doesn't show how users are doing within the team. Are you guys just using Points/Credit doesn't seem to...
  2. Tornlogic

    [H]ardOCP vs Team Anandtech Folding@Home race

    Thank you kind sir. I'll throw a couple systems at it.
  3. Tornlogic

    [H]ardOCP vs Team Anandtech Folding@Home race

    Looks like 15 Birthday challenge. Says all subprojects, and ends the 22nd. Does this mean GPUs? What's the best sub to run that brings the most points per CPU hour? Same question for GPU hour.
  4. Tornlogic

    [H]ardOCP vs Team Anandtech Folding@Home race

    What subproject is it for and how many days are left? Zika, Aids, Cancer? I'm not really familiar with this project, but I'll help. No GPUs?
  5. Tornlogic

    [H]ardOCP vs Team Anandtech Folding@Home race

    Hmmm, I never take my systems off Primegrid, but maybe I'll make an exception for this... looks interesting.
  6. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    It's not too late.. only missing 1/5th of the challenge
  7. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    After the first 24ish hours.. the team is in 5th place:
  8. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Congrats Chelsea!!! Great work team, I'm proud to be [H]ard
  9. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    No worries, I'll be there for the team! CPU isn't my thing. I probably wont even break 100th place, but that project is what I was working on before I switched over to AP. So my systems will be crunching those tasks before the challenge begins.
  10. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    9 hours left. We will be fairly close to upsetting SETI Germany by that time. They seemed to have slowed down in recent hours. I have my fingers crossed.
  11. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Finally broke into the top 100 after getting a late start. Looks like I'll overtake EXT64, but don't believe I have enough muscle to take you out before the end of the challenge pututu. It was certainly worth a try. Nothing better than a little in-team competition to keep things lively!! :D
  12. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Set your client's buffer/cache to zero folks. My laptop came in first for a AP21. My wingman was running not 1, but 2 RTX 5000s, and due to improper client config on his/her part, I got the credit. :D Oh, and I found 3 AP21s in a 24 hour...
  13. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    my RTX 2080Ti will be finished with it's "Do you Feel Lucky" task in about 30 minutes, switching it over to AP.
  14. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Yea no problem. I really do feel bad I didn't join earlier.. that's just a stupid oversight on my part. My favorite project, is the one where it helps the team win!! Thanks for getting a hold of me in Discord!!!
  15. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Gezuz, AnandTech is catching up to us! They are only 3 Tasks away
  16. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    I can confirm that it's now working properly. Thanks for your help motqalden!!
  17. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Windows 10. I think I fixed it. I just reinstalled graphics drivers. *shrugs* I have seen stranger things.. and the show too.
  18. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Hey, sorry guys. I didn't realize there was a challenge. I just switched EVERYTHING I have to AP. I have 2 prolems tho. First problem I have now is that my main GPU is finishing a "Do you Feel Lucky Task" that's about 60% complete and I don't want to abort it. It's a 2080 Ti, so should be...
  19. Tornlogic

    PRPNet Help

    I don't know if anyone here has any experience with the PRPNet windows client, but I figured I would ask here first. I have searched around these threads, but no dice. Here is my problem: I ran the install bat file for my CPU, then I changed all the variables in the ini file. Next I ran the...
  20. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    That's exactly the tactic I would employ. Problem is I'm not finding anything
  21. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Congrats RFGuy! You got your first 2019 Tour de Primes Prime, a GFN-16!! I feel like a winner already... living vicariously though you.
  22. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    RFGuy, Looks like you're knocking out some serious LLR tasks for the Tour de Primes. Did you know what you have been the double checker for 4 primes?!?! That makes you 3rd place for 1st loser! WTF man?! We need to get you finding primes and being 1st on some of those winning WUs!! I'm sure...
  23. Tornlogic

    2019 Tour de Primes

    Yea, thanks for looking out for us. :) I'm working on badges too before the next challenge starts. So many challenges, it's hard to get specific ones in between challenges.
  24. Tornlogic

    2019 Tour de Primes

    RF, so maybe it depends what CPU you have wether one should run Hyperthreading or not? I found running SOB, I took a major hit in performance running with HT turned on. Now I'm running Woodall LLR for a badge, and I tried hyperthreading again, and still can't reach the performance I get with...
  25. Tornlogic

    2019 Tour de Primes

    It scales, but there becomes a point of diminishing returns in efficiency. On a side note, some say that enabling Hyperthreading (when multi-threading is being used) helps when doing tasks in parallel with a fast GPU, however, I have always seen performance drop when I enable Hyperthreading, so...
  26. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Funny you mention that. I had the same problem with my one and only 9900k overheating up until this weekend. Turned out to be a bad H115i. I went out and got a new NZXT Kraken from Microcenter, and immediately went from thermal throttling at 3.6Ghz to 55C at 4.7Ghz Prime95 small FTTs. So the...
  27. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Nice job guys! Great push at the end, thanks especially to RF. You slammed them out at the end!!
  28. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    We are soooo close to 16th place.. Hope we can pass Noobs Of Kryta [NOOB] before the end of the challenge!!
  29. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Okay Gilthanis, that is good to know. Thank you for explaining that, as I had no idea of the intricacies of this team. Very glad to hear it's well developed.
  30. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    To be fair, most of those credits went to my 2 previous teams, Ultimate Chaos and U.S. Army. I've been a member of Ultimate Chaos since 2000 for other distributive computing projects. I'm was nearly the last member there doing anything, so it wasn't much of a team. I left that to join U.S...
  31. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Is there any action on my part to become part of this? I checked the website, and seems there is no action required, that team member's work is automatically submitted. Correct me if I'm wrong. Thanks!
  32. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Dear god that's a close race!
  33. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Yea Christian, I saw that thread yesterday! I haven't decided who to vote for yet. :) I may cast mine to the funniest and most witty guy/gal.
  34. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    I'm certainly happy to be here. You all seem like a great bunch of [H]ardcore crunchers. I had to pause my SoB. This is a new rig, and temps are a bit nutz. Looks like I had a kink/twist/something in the return line of my H115i. Seemed to have happened when I moved the radiator from the...
  35. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Thanks guys! Looks like some nice friendly in-house competition is a welcome thing here!
  36. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    Done! Thanks man! :) I hadn't even noticed that when I changed my email the other day. Sorry to hear work blocks PG. That's kinda weird tho.
  37. Tornlogic

    PrimeGrid Challenge Series 2019

    I just joined [H]ard|OCP after years of crunching for PrimeGrid. Unfortunatly I left about a million credit from my previous team, but I hope to help as much as I can for the remainder of the year, and years to come. Hopefully I can get a few credit submitted before the end of this challenge...
  38. Tornlogic

    Panaflo fans

    I replaced the stock H115i fans with a pair of these and replaced all my deltas with 4 of these mounted in my case (1 in the front, 1 mounted to my Sea Hawk on the front, 1 in the back and 1 on the bottom next to the PSU). Now...
  39. Tornlogic

    i7 6700k temps on oc, what u get?

    Sweet, when I get home tonight I will look into 1 and 3. As for the mount between CPU and waterblock, it seems like everything is legit. When I remounted the waterblock I noticed the thermal paste on both the block and heat spreader, and it looked like it was getting normal contact, but that's...
  40. Tornlogic

    i7 6700k temps on oc, what u get?

    I've come here for a little help/advice. These numbers just don't see right to me. I've got an MSI MPower Ti, with an H115i. At a relatively low 4.5GHz @ 1.35 I'm getting 85-90C using Prime 28.9 Small FFTs! I'm afraid to increase voltage at those temps, so I can't go any faster, because at...