Cheapest way to control Corsair XD5 RGB?


Oct 21, 2002
See thread title, getting into my first custom water cooling loop, and I do not care about RGB, I turn things to green and leave them.
I am looking for the least expensive way to be able to control the RGB on the corsair XD5 pump, preferable something simple and stand alone, similar to the 3 button controller the old coolermaster AIOs have/had.
Would one of these work?
Thanks for any help/advice.
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yeah all the corsair controllers require USB and are pretty expensive.
Looks like the rgb is a 3 pin that is just a different plug but still the standard 3pin argb, I can pick up a stand alone controller on ebay for less than 10.
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I have converted standard 3 pin connections to Corsair specific connectors by making an adapter. I don't see why you couldn't go the other way. Corsair JST > 3 pin 5v.

In fact they make adapters you can buy: Corsair 3-Pin or Corsair 4-Pin
See thread title, getting into my first custom water cooling loop, and I do not care about RGB, I turn things to green and leave them.
I am looking for the least expensive way to be able to control the RGB on the corsair XD5 pump, preferable something simple and stand alone, similar to the 3 button controller the old coolermaster AIOs have/had.
Would one of these work?
Thanks for any help/advice.
Maybe I don't understand what you are trying to do but why don't you just use Corsair's software to control them?
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Maybe I don't understand what you are trying to do but why don't you just use Corsair's software to control them?

He needs a controller(CORSAIR Commander PRO/Lighting Node PRO) to hook the XD5 to be able have it interface with iCue. Since the pump/res doesn't come with the controller he'd have to buy one. So he's looking for the cheapest/easiest way to be able to control the RGB on the pump/res.

I suggested getting the cable adapter, then he could connect it directly to the mobo and use the mobo software to control the color.