Lost access to hard drive


Sep 26, 2008
Long story short, I cloned an old HDD to a SSD, but the drive letter assignment got crossed with another drive. So i changed the first drive to a letter that I thought wasn't being used so I could swap the letters of the two drives. I didn't play enough attention to the warning, and the other drive that I took the drive letter assignment from by mistake is now missing. Disk Management doesn't see it at all, nor does Device Manager. Even the BIOS now doesn't see it. Do I have any way to get this hard drive to be recognized again?

Have you tried unplugged the drive that stole and now have the letter of the drive that you can't see anymore in the bios ?(If I did not get things mixed)
Even the BIOS now doesn't see it. Do I have any way to get this hard drive to be recognized again?
I don't think this would happen through messing up the partition structure.
Do you mean - the boot menu does not show you available partitions (like, UEFI and such)?
Or does it not even see the physical device at the end of the cable?
I got lucky. It turns out that drive cable partially unplugged while swapping out a different drive. The drive is intact.

Thanks for the responses.
That’s the luckiest ending to this problem. Glad you got it sorted.
I got lucky. It turns out that drive cable partially unplugged while swapping out a different drive. The drive is intact.

Thanks for the responses.
It's always something silly, isn't it? This happens to me all the time.
It just shows that even though we are all smarter then most here, always go back and check the basics.
Step one is always step one.
Glad it is fixed :)