Online server problems??? Plz help!


Jan 27, 2006
I have 3 computers connected to the internet via one router. whenever i try to join the same server as my friend such as quake 3 or counter strike it kicks him off the server (one of the 3 computers is his). Is it sumthing to do with the fact we have the same ip address and if it is please can i fix it so we can play on the same server.

p.s my isp wont allow me to have multiple ip addresses.

router details :
high speed SOHO
1 wan 4 lan broadband router

and im using teliwest broadband.
Wrong section.

Quake 3 allows multiple clients from the same IP. Older games, Quake 2 for example, do what you experience would be true with Quake 2. Reason why it does it with Quake 3? I don't know. What make/model router? Latest firmware on the router? Where is the server located? Outside your LAN? Or on the same LAN?
Probably both trying to use the same CD key... Although one isn't really needed for it any more, I'm sure it will still keep any one from using duplicate keys.