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  1. Z

    AMD Expected to Announce Ryzen 5000XT CPUs at Computex

    Let's hope they aren't pulling an Intel and doing a 7nm+++.
  2. Z

    AMD Confirms Zen 5 will Get Ryzen 8000 Series Branding, "Navi 3.5" Graphics in 2024Z

    When the stocks splits, so does the price. 131 shares at $1064 per share for a total of $139,384 would be equal to 1310 shares at $106.40 per share for a total of $139,384.
  3. Z

    GPU prices — is the worst behind us ?

    I'm not telling myself nothing. I'm simply correcting the incorrect information you posted. Honestly, I've never even played minecraft, it's just not something I'm interested in, but I also fact check myself before posting something so contentious. Perhaps you should start doing the same.
  4. Z

    GPU prices — is the worst behind us ?

    Wrong again. It has DXR. Honestly did you even check the link or do any research before posting?
  5. Z

    GPU prices — is the worst behind us ?

    I guess you missed the fact that it indeed does have ray tracing. But, to hell with the facts, am I right?
  6. Z

    GPU prices — is the worst behind us ?

    Which game is that?
  7. Z

    The GPU Nvidia would rather forget – GeForce FX

    Yes they were, I had an x1900xtx; in fact that was my very last Radeon ever. I remember how loud that damn red blower fan was inside the clear poly-carbonate housing. :ROFLMAO:
  8. Z

    Jensen Huang Discussing the Future of AI and NVIDIA

    Mt comment offended you that much?
  9. Z

    Jensen Huang Discussing the Future of AI and NVIDIA

    This man lives rent free in so many people's heads because of that jacket. Honestly, it's awe inspiring. Same as above, he likely wears it to live rent free in people's heads.
  10. Z

    AMD MI300 is the fastest ramping product in its history

    How strange. I distinctly remember members here crowing about how AMD sold every single CPU and GPU it made. According to them, AMD shouldn't have cards sitting on shelves or any unsold inventory at all.
  11. Z

    Did Drivers Save The Radeon 8500?

    Hasn't been detected is a bit of a misnomer. There have been fairly credible rumors of AMD strong arming developers to not include DLSS in their games and in at least one game engine, strip DLSS as it's already part of the engine (literally a checkbox to implement). Honestly, people tend to...
  12. Z

    Denuvo/Irdeto "TraceMark for Gaming" Introduced at GDC 2024

    They should try playing catchup with the performance they suck out of titles with every iteration of their cancerous programing.
  13. Z

    AMD FSR 3.1 Announced at GDC 2024

    I guess that's the only way to make FSR look good. :coffee: But in all seriousness, wasn't this announced like a week ago? Did it get re-announced or something?
  14. Z

    Denuvo/Irdeto "TraceMark for Gaming" Introduced at GDC 2024

    You don't hear of many now because companies keep doing shit like this, but that was a huge part of gaming that has been slowly taken away from gamers as the years have gone on. You get the drift.
  15. Z

    Oddworld Classic Complete 'n' Tasty Pack (Steam Games)- $1.00

    Never played any of the oddworld games, but for a dollar, I'll bite. Thanks OP.
  16. Z

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    You're entitled to your opinion, you're also allowed to be wrong. Hopefully you can get over that and post something on topic and useful next time.
  17. Z

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    Not overreacting at all. I'm simply stating the obvious. Saying that a rare game or two implies that there is nothing wrong with the game, when that's just not the case at all. Most, if not all of those games have been called out for this shenanigans but nothing ever came of it because it's cool...
  18. Z

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    The engine designer for dice that created the frostbite engine had amd cards and liked them. So this engine is biased towards AMD, but I will give that it is not sponsored. Too bad frostbite engine games are all garbage anyways. You care enough to keep posting and defending the worst take of...
  19. Z

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    And again, no source provided, but I'm the fanboy? Look in the mirror.
  20. Z

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    So no source on any game that the 7900xtx beats a 4090 that's not been sponsored and rumored to gimp nvidia in one way shape or form? Got it.
  21. Z

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    The only games the 7900xtx beat a 4090 were the games that were sponsored by AMD and rumored to be gimping performance on Nvidia. Had this been the other way around torches and pitchforks would have been seen from this forum, but since AMD can do no wrong, it was largely ignored. So besides...
  22. Z

    7900xtx or 4080 super?

    Let's be honest here, AMD could release a card that hits 5GHz and still get their lunch taken in performance by an Nvidia GPU running "slower" and using much less power. So what does the GHz number even matter?
  23. Z

    $2,500 RTX-5090 ( 60% faster than 4090 )

    Right now, that goes for nearly every aspect of life; including but not limited to Nvidia, AMD, etc. Let's be completely honest here, some are more than willing to also be Lisa Su's bitch as well. Everyone is basically overpaying for everything, and regrettably, some things you just can't go...
  24. Z

    New NVIDIA control panel now in beta

    I'm just hoping that the NVCP being an option. Most of these modern UI elements look like absolute garbage. Why Microsoft had to introduce the God awful "modern" UI that still looks like something a 4 year old drew and has so much wasted space is beyond me.
  25. Z

    New NVIDIA control panel now in beta

    Same, sticking to what has worked without fail for me for over a decade now. I really can't understand the fascination some have in getting it updated and replaced; the NVCP has been a set it and forget it program for me since it's introduction.
  26. Z

    Get Ready for "Gamerlicious" Nvidia Control Panel

    I have to agree here. I wish installation prompts allowing you to select components were more robust than they currently are for a lot of popular programs.
  27. Z

    Nvidia 3050 6GB review

    It's pretty amazing how this turd of a card makes the 6500xt look like a straight insult from AMD. Nvidia was straight scraping the barrel with this garbage and still made a better card than the competition. I'm at a loss for words.
  28. Z

    Nvidia RTX 4090 power connectors melting?

    Cute, but here are some melted PCIE 8 pic connectors on Radeon cards that melted as well for your viewing pleasure. Radeon Rx295x2_________________________________________________________Radeon RX580__________________________________________________________Radeon 7900XTX Pretty moronic to try...
  29. Z

    4080 Super: New Owners Thread - Share your experience!

    I have to admit, the card looks like it was designed recently while the rest of the system looks no different than boxes made over a decade ago. Edit: Those fans especially look dated and unattractive.
  30. Z

    Nvidia RTX 4090 power connectors melting?

    And you can't fathom the depths of human idiocy.
  31. Z

    Nvidia RTX 4090 power connectors melting?

    Speaking from experience, it's not many "user problems"; it's many "problem users". I'm certainly not passed blaming users, I see their idiocy daily.
  32. Z

    NVIDIA rumored to be preparing GeForce RTX 4080/4070 SUPER cards

    Well, the alternative is what AMD has done, right? Not a fucking thing coming from that camp except the trash tier 7600XT, which is the worse price/performance anyone has seen like ever. No refresh even rumored and no price cuts to even compete with NV refresh. So as a company, I can't even...
  33. Z

    Will you jump on 40xx Super Video cards or would you rather wait for 50xx series to come out?

    Getting burned badly with atrocious drivers will do that to you. It's the main reason I won't touch an AMD GPU anytime soon, to be completely honest with you.
  34. Z

    Nvidia RTX 4090 power connectors melting?

    Is everyone forgetting just how much Steve, Igor and others fucked with the connector in an attempt to get it to fail, and not a single one of them did? It wasn't until they figured out that end users were not seating it correctly that they successfully got a connector to melt. I don't think...
  35. Z

    Nvidia RTX 4090 power connectors melting?

    It occurs to me now that maybe many of the people putting the blame squarely on the connector may not deal with your average consumer on a daily basis. I, for better or for worse, have to deal with hundreds of average people a day. And let me tell you, their idiocy knows no bounds. The thirst...