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  1. S

    Epic Games Store

    It depends on your banking institution. Every time I want to make a purchase from GoG I have to contact my credit union. They will decline the charge every single time unless I do so. It doesn't matter if I try to do a straight charge or if I use Paypal. At one time they didn't decline Paypal...
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    AMD Expected to Announce Ryzen 5000XT CPUs at Computex

    There are multiple reasons for these CPUs. The platform is mature, stable, low cost and popular. It's likely cheap for motherboard makers to continue to make the motherboards which will make them happy. The yields on the CPUs themselves have to be very high at this point in the product's...
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    US to Resume Tariffs on Graphics Cards Assembled in China

    It's not even about buying new boats. The freighters are massive for a reason; it's a hell of a lot cheaper to operate a huge freighter bringing stuff across the ocean than it is running multiple smaller freighters.
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    Wife wants to play Diablo 4 but only has a HD 6850

    Not really. This is the only way the thread could have gone. At least up until your post. The TV and projector stuff is definitely way out there. The OP had a good run with the system in question but it's well past the point of replacement for gaming and any upgrade would be "too much" for the...
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    SETI.Germany's 15th Annual Pentathlon (2024)

    About the total points for this year. Keep in mind that Ramanujan Machine has probably the lowest points of any project in BOINC. At least the lowest of any I've ever done. Also, only one event was GPU and it was short. The amount of points put out this year is quite astounding since GPUs were...
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    SETI.Germany's 15th Annual Pentathlon (2024)

    And we seem to be doing it with fewer people each year. I have to wonder where we'd be if the mainpage was still up. And as pututu says, it's time for a break. My hardware and the electric bill is going to get a break for several months until the fall. The Pentathlon is my last gasp before...
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    AMD will reportedly stop supporting Windows 10 starting with its new Strix Point APUs

    It doesn't matter. MS stopped supporting it years ago. They refused to backport important kernel changes and scheduler updates despite the fact the two OSes are practically identical under the hood. All the while backporting any additional spying. There is no point in AMD trying to support it...
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    AMD will reportedly stop supporting Windows 10 starting with its new Strix Point APUs

    What would be the point of AMD supporting it? MS stopped supporting it in a meaningful way years ago when 11 was released.
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    SETI.Germany's 15th Annual Pentathlon (2024)

    Less than a day to go. Time to drop any and all bunkers and hope most of the Milkyway tasks validate before the Pentathlon ends.
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    SETI.Germany's 15th Annual Pentathlon (2024)

    I'll happily accept help from the undead as well as long as they have CPUs and GPUs to add. Warm bodies aren't necessary in my opinion.
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    9950X and 9950X3D is going to be terrific.

    I know at least some implementations of the BIOS flashback require that the CPU not even be present in the system otherwise it won't activate/work in the first place.
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    Hardware Nexus: ASUS Scammed Us

    Except for a very, very early BIOS the board shipped with, he's never had a problem with the system. That said, the Tomahawk hasn't been any "better" than the Gigabyte board I have and at least when I need to go into the BIOS to do something on my Gigabyte I can find what I need really fast...
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    Hardware Nexus: ASUS Scammed Us

    I basically swore off Asus boards back in the Athlon days. I had an A7V-133, A7V-266a and an A7N8x-DLX. A buddy who usually built/upgraded the same time as me also had the exact same boards in his system. Every single one of them died within months. The system would either shut down when turned...
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    SETI.Germany's 15th Annual Pentathlon (2024)

    I was only asking because I figured most or all bunkers had already been dropped and at the time we were about 600k under the previous throw but that number would likely shrink throughout the day but possibly not by enough. As it is we've overshot the previous throw already so what I had would...
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    SETI.Germany's 15th Annual Pentathlon (2024)

    I know the day's Javelin throw isn't very old but I was wondering if we might need/want to add some more to it? Just getting the question in for a response closer to the time the day's throw will end. I have a small bunker I'm almost done with which I was going to save for the last throw and...
  16. S

    Is Freesync on windowed applications available on AMD graphics cards?

    There are options in AMD's control panel which if enabled will disable Freesync. Make sure you don't have any of those enabled. The Freesync toggle should be pretty obvious and included in all of the other settings.
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    SETI.Germany's 15th Annual Pentathlon (2024)

    I was wondering how we were going to handle this. At the moment I've been keeping my 5800x mostly on Primegrid as it's the only CPU I have which can handle it decent with my 2600x on Ramanujan Machine. I've been doing a bit of RM and NFS on the 5800x while gaming since both projects are a lot...
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    SETI.Germany's 15th Annual Pentathlon (2024)

    Looks like the Steeplechase starts in less than three days and it's another CPU project, SiDock.
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    Patriot 2TB SATA SSD $78 on amazon

    The end of 2023 was the last gasp of the good deals. Prices have only been going up since then.
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    SETI.Germany's 15th Annual Pentathlon (2024)

    Do we know yet if we're going to throw the first javelin or not? I'm planning on adding a little to it but it seems I've pulled some work units that have a deadline of about 3.5 days.
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    Horizon Forbidden West

    You just described the reason I say the first of the rebooted Tomb Raider games was by far the best. It was a very well done, tight story which integrated into the whole of the game to make it all feel like every quest mattered. It's a pity they lost that in the two later games by going for the...
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    SETI.Germany's 15th Annual Pentathlon (2024)

    It's one of the reasons I've been running Primegrid lately. F@H pissed me off (again) but there's practically no medical projects around right now. The last time I tried WCG I couldn't even pull a work unit for CPU or GPU; although that's been a while now.
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    SETI.Germany's 15th Annual Pentathlon (2024)

    It also indicates it will use around 20 MB of cache so it's probably good to keep that in mind. I haven't swapped over my Ryzen 2600x yet but I'm not sure if I'm going to since it only has 16 MB of cache.
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    SETI.Germany's 15th Annual Pentathlon (2024)

    I don't have a Radeon VII but I've been using CoreCTRL for a few years now with RX570s and a 6750xt and never once have I had a problem with it. For reference I'm running Manjaro on both my systems.
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    PrimeGrid Recognition Thread

    You all are definitely doing better than me. The best I've done is found two AP23s. One of the reasons I started running AP27 again (besides running it in the pentathlon last year) is because of the PPD. I have yet to run any GPU project on Primegrid which even comes close to the points AP27...
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    Did Drivers Save The Radeon 8500?

    I had a Radeon 8500 and used it for quite a while. Never once had a problem with it and it ran everything I needed it to. I didn't replace it until the GeForce 7600GT. I will say that the Radeon 7500 AIW was actually a faster card in a number of games (a friend of mine had one and he had me...
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    Target joins Best Buy and discontinues sales of DVD's and Blurays

    I don't do top 10 lists but here are a few I've watched plenty of times: Spaceballs V for Vendetta 3:10 to Yuma (2007) Escape from New York Ferris Bueller's Day Off The Last Starfighter The Terminator A Fistful of Dollars For a Few Dollars More The Good, The Bad and The Ugly Back to the Future...
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    intel 13th and 14th gen xx900 and xx700 may have defective cores causing crashes in gaming

    Damage control. Even if the issue isn't Intel's fault Intel will be blamed for it by at least some people which makes for really bad press and damage to the company and brand which goes far beyond the cost of RMAs.
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    Horizon Forbidden West

    Her face sure isn't. Based on the changes in her face from the first to the second game it looks like she put on 40+ lbs. And had plastic surgery to make her jaw even bigger.
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    9950X and 9950X3D is going to be terrific.

    The most likely reason the x3d chips were released later is due to yields. The CCDs with the cache tend to be some of the best silicon due to the fact they need to run cooler with much more stringent voltages while still being able to clock relatively high. It takes time to stockpile those...
  31. S

    Can i smoke in the same room where is pc?

    People have been smoking around computers for decades and it doesn't have any reduction in their ability to work. As I stated, the only thing you might need to do is clean it out more often. Smoke does leave residue and that residue will collect dust easier. Look up pictures of computers which...
  32. S

    Can i smoke in the same room where is pc?

    No, it's not going to hurt the computer. At worst you'd need to clean the dust out more often.
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    Horizon Forbidden West

    In the first game what it looks like is they took the child Aloy head and made it bigger and left it at that. Her face looks like it's still 4 years old with a bunch of baby fat and no maturing. It's been a while since I played the first game but at least in some of the screen shots for the...
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    Two years after launch Windows 11 adoption is still waaaay behind Windows 10

    The ones I give a shit about do. And in some cases they run a hell of a lot better than they ever did in Windows.
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    Primegrid Challenge series started yesterday

    Well, it's about time. :p
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    Primegrid Challenge series started yesterday

    Since it looks like there's only 5 people on the team running this I'd say we're doing pretty damn good so far.
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    Best 360mm AIO Cooler?

    I have no experience with the 360 but I did buy and install the Frozen Edge 240 this past week. I had a little spare cash and needed an upgrade from my air cooler and it cost me $44 with tax. The only semi-recent experience with water cooling was an Enermax 240 AIO I got for practically free...
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    Radiator bolts for slim fans?

    This is the exact same thing I've been doing for years. I have yet to not find what I was looking for or at least something else which would work. I also tend to buy extras and a couple other things because I know I'll end up needing it eventually.