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  1. C

    Mad Max (2015)

    i never had that problem in all my GoT playtime
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    yeah, identity politics IS really stupid, but that doesn't mean someone taking a stance against a particular viewpoint that is based on identity politics means that person is ALSO playing identity politics. it's ok to take a stand against ignorant bullshit.
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    lol, you missed my entire point in a way that is actually kind of comical. you said "people wanted to play exclusively as a japanese character." you don't see what's just plain weird about that statement and that couldn't make my point any clearer. people don't play AC games because you get to...
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    no, what i mean is, why do you hide behind words like that instead of saying black people, the queers, stuff like that?
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    so why don't you just say what you mean instead of using words like SJW, woke, DEI etc?
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    can you give me some examples where the "SJW type material" is in a game "properly" in a way that doesn't "affect quality/immersion/story writing/character design?"
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    but we're years... and years... and years into this shit. when is it ever getting beyond "hey you can't just ignore the merits of this one specific instance, there's really something to it, and just calling people racist hateful bigots isn't going to achieve anything!" this gets stated every...
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    my guy, WHO the fuck is "using DEI as a tool to limit artistic freedom?" do you have even an inkling of how full blow fucking whackaloon that sounds? you are the *pitch perfect* example of what i just described above. i mean you said it virtually verbatim. "i'm all for diversity, but not the way...
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    you can say "well let's not oversimplify things, nor forget the extremes go BOTH ways!" bullshit all you want. the simple fact is, when you boil it down, one side wants certain people to not be present/exist, another side says actually that's fine, they can exist. the actual problem is that...
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    if i ignored everyone making idiotic posts about DEI and the woke mind virus i wouldn't have more than a post or two per day to read and respond to. but in all seriousness, no. i've been here for 23 years, i'm not just going to stick my head in the sand because there's an overwhelming bias and...
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    aww, are you upset that i popped your little filter bubble for a few moments?
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    what an utter lie :rolleyes:
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    "DEI" isn't killing your enjoyment in gaming. what's killing your enjoyment of gaming is allowing yourself to fall for the constant stream of outrage mongers on social media who NEED to farm engagement (clicks/views/comments/likes/shares) to make money. the angrier and more outraged they can...
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    holy fuck this is so stupid i sat here for 5 minutes and i can't even think of how to string together words to reply to this. goodbye [h], or should i say [4]chan
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    Assassin's Creed Red

    please can we talk about fucking games and not this ape-brained bullshit? goddamn it's BEYOND tiring
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    Cyberpunk 2077

    i'll say this, CDPR has a nearly impossible task ahead of them with the sequel. even the technical side of things is going to be sketchy because they're using UE5 now going forward.
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    What Mouse and Keyboard Are You Using Right Now?

    that's beautiful. how do you feel about the 96% layout? i considered trying one when i was keyboard shopping a bit ago but i figured it would be a little too difficult to adapt to
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    Fallout 4

    Far Harbor is the best part of FO4
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    well i'll be dipped... miracles do happen!
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    Terminator: Survivors

    everything sounds pretty interesting and conceptually at least, it would make for a solid as well as unique game. it's all gonna be in the execution...
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    Cyberpunk 2077

    huh... well that's weird then, that SHOULD work fine so i dunno why you're having issues. *shrug*
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    Cyberpunk 2077

    i assume you went south of the border to acquire the game, otherwise what is this "and i downloaded the patch"? even the GOG standalone version is pre-patched. more power to you, but expect bugs going that route
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    Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora

    it's cool seeing another 40fps mode for console. it really is a sweet spot between 30fps and 60fps on console given that consoles have to give up too much (imo) in most current gen games to achieve it.
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    Remnant 2 (sequel to Remnant: From the Ashes)

    ....? the graphics weren't phenomenal but they were at least pretty good.. sounds like you had some settings fucked up or something *shrug*
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    What Mouse and Keyboard Are You Using Right Now?

    logitech g pro wireless (~2022 model) keychron v6 max pretty close to my ideal out of everything i've tried over the past decade or so. my only wish is that i could transfer all the internals of a g pro over to a ms intellimouse optical 1.1a, because that's still BY FAR the most comfortable...
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    wireless keyboard with full NKRO?

    here's the keyboard i ended up with: it's a mechanical w/ gateron switches and it has wifi, both 2.4ghz and bt. it supports 6 key rollover over wifi which is definitely good enough for the gaming i do...
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    Baldurs Gate 3 - Official Discussion Thread (2019)

    ok i just had to make sure. :D
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    Baldurs Gate 3 - Official Discussion Thread (2019)

    people can and do have opinions different from yours.
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    Assetto Corsa Evo - coming 2024?

    my hope is that ACE will not have much in common with AC, ACC or any of the other traditional racing sims/games, especially the circuit based ones. i hope they've taken note of how popular AC mods are, and more importantly, WHICH mods are popular.
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    Assetto Corsa Evo - coming 2024?

    their site is slow AF, but it doesn't matter, it's literally just a short video with the title and "2024." but i'm sure we will be getting a ton of info and media soon. i hope for good mod support, but even moreso i hope that mods don't feel like a necessity.
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    Assetto Corsa Evo - coming 2024?

    I've been wondering when Kunos would drop some info about their upcoming Assetto Corsa sequel, and we finally got... something: I noticed that it says driving simulation evolved, and not RACING. I'm hoping that ACE will be the game to finally...
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    wireless keyboard with full NKRO?

    anyone know of some decent wireless keyboards with full NKRO support? good quality scissor switches preferred, or maybe low profile mechanical
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    We got any DayZ fans in here?

    my dream game would basically be DayZ but with a supernatural horror component (i mean, more than just zombies...) and maybe just a teeeeny tiny bit of (OPTIONAL) structure, like random quests you get the option to do, or temporary "hot zones" that spring up occasionally with various mutators to...
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    Rebel Galaxy: Outlaw

    i could not get into this game. something about the gameplay loop (idk if it was the ease of system-to-system travel or what) combined with clunky controls and a really irritatingly claustrophobic cockpit view basically forced me out of enjoying it even though i ACTIVELY wanted to like it
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    We got any DayZ fans in here?

    similar in some ways, but EFT is instanced, small (relatively) maps with match making; DayZ is true open world, no sessions or time limits, you log in where you logged out and the day/night cycle rolls on without you. like an MMO in that sense. the other huge difference is that EFT has a lot of...
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    We got any DayZ fans in here?

    it's a battle royale game, NOTHING like DayZ.
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    We got any DayZ fans in here?

    betcha can't name a single current game that's like it it's only similar in that they're both "multiplayer open world survival." otherwise they are massively different game. rust is very basebuilding-centric, to the point that i would argue the entire point of rust is building and defending...
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    We got any DayZ fans in here?

    i'm a wrinkly old millennial and i never thought i'd play a game again that hooked me like a few did when i was in my teens and twenties. i got DayZ about a year ago though and i quickly racked up the hours. in faact i now have more hours in DayZ than anything else in my (huge) Steam library by...
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    Marvel 1943: Rise of Hydra

    so you're a defender of Disney now... noted