augmented reality

  1. D

    [Leak/Rumor] Valve Deckard - Wireless VR/AR

    (Possibly) Valve's Next Big VR Thing. Leaked/rumored/tentative info. Will be updated as more materializes. Recently datamined SteamVR code has unearthed the following. 2K/4K per eye, Micro OLED panels. May be rotated to allow wider FOV Varifocal lenses confirmed, apparently with support for...
  2. cageymaru

    Google Maps Augmented Reality Creates Navigation by Using Real World Landmarks

    Wall Street Journal reporter David Pierce was privy to a new form of pedestrian only, augmented reality navigation that is coming to Google Maps in the future. In the video below, Mr. Pierce takes his phone's camera and uses it to capture images of landmarks around him such as signs, shops, etc...
  3. cageymaru

    Coolso Technology Reveals Muscle Bio Sensors for VR and AR at Trade Show

    Coolso Technology has unveiled its new muscle bio sensors that allow everyday gestures to be interpreted as commands in virtual reality and augmented reality. The company's founder Jack Wu says that they have many uses beyond gaming and medical applications. At the 2018 Meet Taipei Startup...
  4. cageymaru

    FocusAR: Auto-Focus AR Eyeglasses That Can Replace Prescription Eyeglasses

    Researchers are developing FocusAR: auto-focusing augmented reality eyewear that can replace prescription eyeglasses. The glasses dynamically correct for the focus of the real world surrounding the near-eye display of the user and simultaneously the internal display for augmented synthetic...
  5. cageymaru

    Novarad OpenSight Augmented Reality System Receives FDA Approval for Medical Use

    The Novarad OpenSight Augmented Reality System has been granted FDA approval for medical use in pre-operative surgical planning. This is the first time that the FDA has issued a 510(k) clearance for a medical device using Microsoft HoloLens technology. The OpenSight AR System renders 2D, 3D...
  6. cageymaru

    Magic Leap One Is Available to Creators Starting at $2,295

    Creators can order their very own Magic Leap One starting at only $2,295. After ordering, a person will set the device up for you. I would assume that a person intelligent to write software for the device can set it up themselves. The device specifications are listed here and CNET was allowed...
  7. FrgMstr

    Magic Leap Shows its AR Prowess Off...Finally...Maybe

    The elusive and many times demo-faking Magic Leap is up for a live stream today on Twitch at 1pm CDT. All that said, we can all watch for ourselves and see if this thing is worth the $2B in investor money when it comes to revolutionizing the world of Augmented Reality as it has been promising...
  8. R

    Vive Pro Being Used As AR Dev Kit

    UploadVR is reporting that HTC has just released its software development kit for the front facing cameras on the new Vive Pro, turning it into an augmented reality developer kit. This means that the Vive Pro is now competing with Magic Leap directly, except without the red-tape, NDAs, and...
  9. R

    Magic Leap Ships First Set of Devices Under Tight Security Constraints

    Bloomberg is reporting that AR startup Magic Leap has been quietly sending its units to software developers with an unusual condition. The units must be kept in locked safes. According to the article At least one company decided it wasn’t worth the hassle and declined a test device. The florida...
  10. modi123

    Stereolab's Zed Mini

    Has anyone played with one of those? Seems like an interesting upgrade to a Vive to get the AR out of the VR. Looks nifty with their promo!
  11. R

    Scare The Crap Out Of People In AR

    Apple's ARKit is giving more and more developers the opportunity to create new experiences. Abishek Singhs newest project recreates the iconic scene from 2002s "The Ring" where the creepy girl crawls out of the TV and into the physical world. With some more highly polished graphics that would...
  12. FrgMstr

    Augmented Reality Tech Lets Doctors See Under Your Skin

    While we have been waiting for a really good pair of X-Ray glasses that let you see under people's clothes, ProjectDR has skipped past the clothes and now is touting technology that will let doctors see under your skin. ProjectDR lets previous performed CT and MRI scans to be displayed on the...
  13. DooKey

    Star Wars Jedi Challenges Hands-on

    Disney wants you to be immersed in Star Wars this fall as The Last Jedi film comes out in December. And one of the ways it is doing that is with Star Wars: Jedi Challenges, an augmented reality headset that makes you feel like a Jedi. The reviewer tried it out and really likes it. Check out...
  14. DooKey

    ODG, Mastercard, and Qualcomm Show Off Augmented Reality Shopping

    Mastercard, Osterhout Design Group, and Qualcomm have created a prototype retail experience using augmented reality glasses. The tech showcase will be displayed with Saks Fifth Avenue clothing in Las Vegas from October 23 to 25. This may end up being the way we shop in the future and that...
  15. M

    Star Wars: Jedi Challenges First Look

    You augmented reality fans are in for a treat. Announced last month, Disney and Lenovo partnered up to create the cool AR experience that is every Padawan's wet dream. As part of today's Force Friday iI for Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Lenovo released a first look for the Jedi Challenges. Unleash...
  16. modi123

    Star Wars: Jedi Challenges.

    Anyone going in on the new AR game set that came out with Disney and Lenovo? - Contains a lightsaber battle -Holochess -A strategic combat game $199.99 gets you: Mind you the headset requires your phone to work. Though shipping isn't until 5...
  17. cageymaru

    Microsoft Researches Holographic Near-Eye Displays for Virtual and Augmented Reality

    Microsoft Research has unveiled new technology designed to bring a comfortable, eyeglasses style form factor to virtual reality and augmented reality. They have demonstrated how they can create holographic imaging with a device in the form factor of sunglasses by using a powerful wave-front...
  18. cageymaru

    Fighter Pilot Augmented Reality Technology Melds with the Consumer Cycling World

    Elbit Systems Ltd. normally develops technology for military applications such as drones and fighter pilot augmented reality technology. In an attempt to generate more revenue from their military technology licenses, they have spun off their AR tech to their newly created consumer company...
  19. Zarathustra[H]

    VR & AR Headset Market Expected to Grow 58% Annually, Reaching 99.4 Million Units

    Businesswire is reporting on an IDG market report, suggesting that the virtual reality and augmented reality headset market will grow an average of 58% year over year reaching 99.4 million units by 2021. 2021 may sound like "the future" portrayed in some dark, post-apocalyptic sci-fi game...
  20. cageymaru

    Targeted Guided Surgery AR System Granted Clearance by FDA

    German company Scopis has successfully petitioned and been granted clearance by the FDA to bring it's augmented reality surgery technology to the USA. The Scopis AR system is designed to assist doctors treating during ENT surgeries. ENT is Otolaryngology or in layman's terms ear, nose, and...
  21. cageymaru

    Doppler Labs is Suing Bose for Allegedly Stealing its Sound Technology

    Doppler Labs is suing Bose for tricking it into revealing their patented technology during investment meetings. During the three meetings with Doppler Labs, Bose executives got the startup to divulge how their augmented sound technology worked. Then Bose allegedly incorporated this technology...
  22. cageymaru

    Augmented Reality Makes Climbing Wall Exercise Fun

    Finland-based startup, Augmented Climbing, has developed a climbing wall exercise machine. By harnessing the power of augmented reality, depth sensors, an advanced projector, and computer vision; the team was able to use the participant's motion to play exercise games. There is a game called...
  23. FrgMstr

    Vive VR and HoloLens Mixed AR/VR Reality

    I have said since day one that VR will "change the world," and I am still onboard with that. If you think it is just "a fad" like 3DTV was, you are incorrect. Applications like the crossover AR/VR shown below are just beginning to scratch the surface. And VR gaming kicks much ass if you have...
  24. S

    Hololens Review: The practical future of HMD

    Untethered and unguided: Our first deep look at HoloLens I think VR will largely be about gaming. AR will be the choice for practical applications, since it mixes with reality, and doesn't cause Nausea.