Sold off my mid-tier GPU cards


[H]ard DC'er of the Year 2021
Dec 27, 2015
Took this insane GPU price inflation and finally sold off both my GTX 970 and GTX 960 cards for about what I paid for originally. So no loss (minus the usual CPI). So I will be weak on GPU but still have my 1080 and a HD7970 which I bought pretty cheap from someone who did crypto mining previously.

Hopefully, one day the GPU card will go back to MRSP. I'm willing to wait this out....
Interesting rumor. Let see the market price of the new Ampere card. Maybe not during the initial madness to buy the latest and the greatest.

Might also take a look at 1080ti if the price corrects itself. Meantime I'm just stashing away the fund from the two GPU sold recently.
Took this insane GPU price inflation and finally sold off both my GTX 970 and GTX 960 cards for about what I paid for originally. So no loss (minus the usual CPI). So I will be weak on GPU but still have my 1080 and a HD7970 which I bought pretty cheap from someone who did crypto mining previously.

Hopefully, one day the GPU card will go back to MRSP. I'm willing to wait this out....

Tried selling my GTX960 a couple months back but couldn't find a local buyer (had a guy that was gonna then his car broke). If the Samsung mining ASIC comes to fruition soon that oughta get us gamers and crunchers/folders some relief. Prices haven't come down locally but I've noticed unit limits being raised and availability of some GeForce cards. Radeons all sold out. Hopefully the wait won't be much longer ...
Why would Samsung selling an ASIC to a large buyer relieve the strain caused by other miners? The ASIC Samsung was making was a custom order wasn't it? Also, only for Bitcoin? The miners will continue buying cards to mine the other altcoins as they have been doing. Nobody mines Bitcoin with GPU's these days. It would be really dumb to do that. I think something like this rumor would be more likely to help out gamers...
I've been selling off my 980 Ti's while the getting is good. Should have a good chunk of change for when the new GPUs come out and hopefully their shortage wouldn't be any different than any other new GPU launch so I can get my hands on a couple for MSRP.
I'm itchy to sell my asus strix 1080 for 700+ in ebay now for pure profit. But then I would only have CPU to crunch..:whistle:

Decision, decision, decision...
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Yeah I've considered selling off my 1080s for a nice profit. Then I'd be left without any GPUs and the cost to get another one is still uncertain in the foreseeable future. So I'm gonna hold onto them.
Sell them off. You can make up the difference with the extra production from new gen cards...
Yeah right. Not sure if we can get the new gen cards at MRSP or how long to wait for the new gen card price to "normalize". Keep some good ones and sell the old gen cards while you can.:p
Late to the party; but damn miners indeed! Was thinking of grabbing another 1070 for SLI and nearly had a heart attack upon looking at prices. I'm a gamer, so this bullshit pisses me right off. :mad:
Is SLI even still worth it? Most gamers I talk to say the list of games supporting it are minimal and better off just upping your card. Might be better off selling that 1070 for its high dollar value or sell it to me for super cheap :sneaky: for um... DC related reasons..yeah... lol
Unless you have a crazy high resolution then SLI isn't really worth it.
Did say I was thinking about the SLI thing. :p Was also thinking about a 1080ti upgrade and selling the 1070... however both are equally moot for the time being!
Well we are helping you decide. :p

You dont run and DC projects on your home rigs do you? If so, getting a second and just running a DC project on it wohkd be okay. You could game on the other while the secondary one is crunching.