The 10 Best (and 10 Worst) Companies for Customer Service

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
0 has posted a list of the ten best (and ten worst) companies for customer service. Agree? Disagree? See anyone not on the list that should be?

Customers want good customer service, but if companies can just hire good PR people to cover problems up, how do we, as customers, ever demand that companies improve. We thought that a good start would be to close the information gap, so that customers know who is good and who isn’t.
I had an amazing time dealing with AOL :\

We got Cable when it was first offered in our area, long long ago.

Two years of AOL go by, and we never use it. That's a lot of money.

Well when we called to cancel, they actually gave us all our money back from the 24 months we never signed in.

Maybe they've gotten worse these last 10 years or so.
I've never actually had a problem with BestBuy. I've had a few returns and they always went smoothly, including an extended warranty on a speaker set I bought from them! I could be in the minority here though.
Charter Communications should be added to the list for worst customer service, my vote would probably put them somewhere in the middle of the list.
Why is Dell not on that list? I've spent just an absolutely ridiculous amount of time on the phone w/ them, so much so that I had to increase my phone plan last month! I'm finally to the point now where they understand TN does not equal S-IPS, but the dispatcher keeps fucking it up and trying to send me the 2009 WFP. The best part...the invoice reads 2009WFP - $549.99. WTF?!

I should have gotten it taken care of when Americans answered the damned phones.
Dell support is awesome, if your a business

Fail to see how Apple made it on the list, let alone #1, did they threaten someone with a lawsuit if they didn't make it up there, or offer people free exploding ipods and iphones?

Dell tried to send me a 2009wfp as a replacement for a 2408wfp and they ended up sending 3 monitors before they got it right, i just kept refusing the shipment
I've been to plenty of Home Depots and I've always been impressed.

OTOH, DirecTV sucks all the way down to hell.

SBC - $200 to cancel the service!!!

Any wireless or media provider with high termination fees can eff off :rolleyes:

Cox - I saw the bad before they reformed their customer service and the good after. Kudos to whoever made that push back in the mid-90s. I had great experiences with them.

Bad - Banks and speculation. They fucked our economy and the government bailed them out. Then when the customer's hurting and about to lose his or her house, the banks refuse to work with them. Fuck banks.
I've been to plenty of Home Depots and I've always been impressed.

OTOH, DirecTV sucks all the way down to hell.

Any wireless or media provider with high termination fees can eff off :rolleyes:

Cox - I saw the bad before they reformed their customer service and the good after. Kudos to whoever made that push back in the mid-90s. I had great experiences with them.

Bad - Banks and speculation. They fucked our economy and the government bailed them out. Then when the customer's hurting and about to lose his or her house, the banks refuse to work with them. Fuck banks.

+1 for fuck banks.. I just realized after tightening up this year "09" and paying off my credit card with BoA they started dropping my credit line to be just 100 dollars over my last monthly payment.. so 6000 balance i pay 500 they lower balance to 5600 and so on.. so im constantly maxed on that card. no late payments no bs i just had been paying the min and i guess that wasnt good enough.... fuck em
Ummm.. how old is this list anyways? SBC and AT&T were merged last time I checked... and Circuit City has bit the dust. And by looking at it I'd assume this was done in 06 since they keep mentioning it in the article...
I can't believe Apple made the 10 best list. They suck. Anyone whos ever had a hardware problem with a Mac and called them would probably agree that they suck.
Except the worst companies don't actually do their own customer service. Their customer service is really handled by some outsourced faceless company who barely communicates with the actual business they serve and is afraid to admit to the public that they even hold the account.
I can't believe Apple made the 10 best list. They suck. Anyone whos ever had a hardware problem with a Mac and called them would probably agree that they suck.

My MacBook Pro died (videocard issue) a few months ago and they sent me a box so I could ship it back (the support rep was really helpful). Got a replacement in less than two weeks. I've seen worst! But as usual, YMMV! :D
Charter Communications should be added to the list for worst customer service, my vote would probably put them somewhere in the middle of the list.

+1 for this

I have had so many issues with Charter it's not even funny. If they weren't the only ISP in my area that provided decent speeds I would have ditched them LONG AGO.
There definitely should have been some cable companies of the worst list. At leas Best Buy was ranked second worst, they've earned it.
I'm suprised I didn't see University of Phoenix Online somewhere in the worst 10 list.
Am I the only one who questions this list and things it's highly suspect that Circuit City would be on any "Top 10" list? Circuit City closed over 6 months ago in the United States--why is it still on a Top 10 list?

I'm thinking this list is from 2007, since a lot of the indexes used are from 3Q06 and 1Q07.

Am I the only one who questions this list and things it's highly suspect that Circuit City would be on any "Top 10" list? Circuit City closed over 6 months ago in the United States--why is it still on a Top 10 list?

I'm thinking this list is from 2007, since a lot of the indexes used are from 3Q06 and 1Q07.


I already said that too. I found the source of the article and it was posted in November of 2006. This article is old news.
My MacBook Pro died (videocard issue) a few months ago and they sent me a box so I could ship it back (the support rep was really helpful). Got a replacement in less than two weeks. I've seen worst! But as usual, YMMV! :D
Two weeks doesn't sound that impressive. With my Thinkpad, Lenovo sent out a box and I had the laptop returned in less than 48 hours! :cool:
Two weeks doesn't sound that impressive. With my Thinkpad, Lenovo sent out a box and I had the laptop returned in less than 48 hours! :cool:

I dropped a laptop off with Fedex at lunch on a Monday and it was repaired and back in my hands by lunch on Friday...
Dell tried to send me a 2009wfp as a replacement for a 2408wfp and they ended up sending 3 monitors before they got it right, i just kept refusing the shipment
Haha, that's awesome. I refused the last shipment, but they haven't sent out another. I gave up calling too. I'll get around to it again sometime this month. The biggest problem I'm going to have is that AFAIK, they do not have any more WS S-IPS panels to offer me. So unless something new hits before OCT, I'm SOL.
Uh... this has to be an old list. Because 5 and 6 are now one company... and have been for like the last 2 years???
Who's Never even heard of them.

They are better known as Last Minute Travel, and was a big dotcom 10+ years ago. You don't hear about them anymore because they are UK based, and bounced ownership several times over the years.

Old list anyways.
How do these people make it and Comcast is left off? List Fail!

Exactly, Comcast should be in the top 10 worst.

You know, having had Comcast for 3 years I really fail to see where all the comcast hate comes from. I agree they try to pull some BS stunts, but as far as the individual service goes they do quite well. Some of the fastest internet speeds offered, competitive pricing on cable packages (My cable bill was $115 without fail every month for 3 straight years with 10mb internet 21+ average, full HD package with HDDVR and the one time my DVR failed they had it fixed in 24 hours). Now while they aren't nearly as good as my experience with Brighthouse in Fla, they are worlds beyond my experiences with Charter and Direct TV. How charter didn't make the worst list is completely beyond me though. Due to where my job has me living at the moment I am stuck with charter. They keep trying to upsale me on their 10mb service, when they can't even deliver their 5mb to me. I have yet to see above 3mb, like hell I am paying more for the same speeds.

I can't believe Apple made the 10 best list. They suck. Anyone whos ever had a hardware problem with a Mac and called them would probably agree that they suck.

This one baffles me as well as Direct TV. How they are conceivably on the list is a mystery. I love my apple products, but I utterly hate it anytime I need to deal with them. direct TV is just laughable period. I have never had worse TV service or customer support in my life.
Add another vote for Comcast on the worst list.Switching to DirectTV was the best thing I did.
You know, having had Comcast for 3 years I really fail to see where all the comcast hate comes from. I agree they try to pull some BS stunts, but as far as the individual service goes they do quite well. Some of the fastest internet speeds offered, competitive pricing on cable packages (My cable bill was $115 without fail every month for 3 straight years with 10mb internet 21+ average, full HD package with HDDVR and the one time my DVR failed they had it fixed in 24 hours). Now while they aren't nearly as good as my experience with Brighthouse in Fla, they are worlds beyond my experiences with Charter and Direct TV. How charter didn't make the worst list is completely beyond me though. Due to where my job has me living at the moment I am stuck with charter. They keep trying to upsale me on their 10mb service, when they can't even deliver their 5mb to me. I have yet to see above 3mb, like hell I am paying more for the same speeds.

This one baffles me as well as Direct TV. How they are conceivably on the list is a mystery. I love my apple products, but I utterly hate it anytime I need to deal with them. direct TV is just laughable period. I have never had worse TV service or customer support in my life.

Must depend on where you live.My sister had Comcast and it was horrible. She lost service many times a month. I'd say her phone service cut out for about an hour or two at least 5 times a week. TV and internet not as much, but still about once a week.

calling support just got her the "we are looking into the problem" response.
I've had some big issues with getting apple support for a broken iPod. Needless to say, it's the main reason I will never buy mac products again. That and their ridiculous prices.

Charter's customer service, at least in my area, is legitimately trying their best to help, they are just extremely incompetent.

They should throw RyanAir on the list of worst customer service. Anyone western Europe probably knows what I'm talking about.
Qwest should be on the list under the worst section. They billed me for someone else's account for two years despite me calling them every month to get it corrected and they insisted it was fixed.
As a former department head/asm of a Home Depot I can say that the issues that have developed are/were 100% the fault of Bob Nardelli and the board of directors/major stock holders. Why you ask, well lets see, first they cut the number of workers on the floor by half, then they cut the training by 75%, then they cut the starting pay rate for new employees to just over min wage from the previous $9+/hr, then they let go the majority of the older employees who were making $15+/hr who were not managers or department heads, then they decided that one floor person can work two or three departments at a time and thus cut staffing by another 25%.

Then they implemented a new time keeping system that tracked workers hours by the minute but not quite, punching in early or late rounded the time forward/back to the nearest 15 mins, if you punched in 14.9 mins early and clocked out 14.9 mins late your time was counted as punched in on time and out on time, basically you would lose half an hour of pay. On yea you clocked out 15.1 mins late, better not do it again without manager permission or you will be fired for milking the clock.
uh, Apple can only afford good customer service because of all the crazy prices on their products!