and there was much rejoicing


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - March 2011/June 2013/De
Dec 15, 2010

jebo is #21 :p

kakao doesn't do avg so this is just last 24hrs...
my average is messed up because while it counted my first bigadv unit in my overall total it didn't stick it on the day... weird ... so I have a day with just 3k messing my avg up...

anyhow... today should fix that with a super high day...
we pretty much use EOC 7day 24 hour avg. i suggest you get on board with that :)

and i dont undertand that casue flacon_cmH doesnt fold for the horde anymore
agreed. wake me when you overtake me on EOC :)

I typically use that as well... you know me....

but because of its screwup my avg is currently messed up...

and I have only been folding for you since tuesday...
as soon as a 7day avg is applicable... I will show you how far behind you are :p

if anything... this past 24 hours is gonna be a low point for me :)

Edit: ... but... for that wake me up comment... wish granted ... I am gonna bring the heat...
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Thank you kind Sirs for the ribbing...

I have drained and harrased about every ppd possible from my setups...
Should everything run and not lock up.... a whole lotta luck...
You have just given musky a threat....
Thank you kind Sirs for the ribbing...

I have drained and harrased about every ppd possible from my setups...
Should everything run and not lock up.... a whole lotta luck...
You have just given musky a threat....

lol musky threat list still looks clean.
lol musky threat list still looks clean.

because I have not folded for 7 days.....and because it doesn't see all the we getting ready to be submitted over the next few days lol...

if none of the systems lock up I should have a good day today... low day tomorrow and super high day saturday...

I forgot to calculate when the machines that droped wu today would complete the next unit... so my estimates may be
which wow... lol...

in due time...
because I have not folded for 7 days.....and because it doesn't see all the we getting ready to be submitted over the next few days lol......
What is your usual or expected production like?
What is your usual or expected production like?

my usual is nothing near what my expected is lol...

I had just a few machines running windows bigadv...
linux runs a good bit quicker...

I converted just about everything to linux native "bigadv"

I amassed an army
I am folding on... mostly 2p boxes

3 amd boxes
2x 1.7ghz 12cores
2x 2ghz 8cores
1 x 2ghz 8core reg smp

a shitton of Intel boxes
2x 2.13ghz hexacores
2x 2.93ghz quads
2x 2.8ghz quads
2x 2.26ghz quads
2x 2ghz quads
1x 2.66ghz hexacore reg smp...
1x 3.2ghz sandy

they all are getting very nice ppd...
I made the decision to nix the windows bigadv when I saw the 2ghz no ht quads on linux out folding the 2.8ghz box on windows... 8 threads 800mhz lower beating off 16 threads... yeah...
That's a highly impressive lineup you got there. How are you running Linux -bigadv? Are you a beta tester?

they all are getting very nice ppd... I made the decision to nix the windows bigadv when I saw the 2ghz no ht quads on linux out folding the 2.8ghz box on windows... 8 threads 800mhz lower beating off 16 threads... yeah...
That's bizarre. I wouldn't have expected that result. :confused:
my usual is nothing near what my expected is lol....

That is a lot of boxes! So what total PPD capacity do you make it to be?

And do I have this right - it has not run at max capacity yet? If not why not? ;)
That is a lot of boxes! So what total PPD capacity do you make it to be?

And do I have this right - it has not run at max capacity yet? If not why not? ;)

nic driver and windows have been giving me quite a hassle... and because I had applied to the beta team and wanted to run linux native...

well I got on the beta team... and because they are beta units... I really can't tell individual ppd...

and because I have never had all of them cranking... all I have is an estimate... not taking into account hung wu and upload times... though looking at logs they only took ~15min to upload and grab a new wu... less than a frame....

I am at 320k for the day... and think that 9pm will bring me one more wu for today....

I think I estimated 220k for tomorrow... but I had not added the 6core reg smp to that... it was getting 20k ppd...

saturday will bring about the rest of the machines dropping bigadv...
I can't wait....
I don't know how many of the machines that droped a wu today will have another saturday... I did not take that into account...

sooo I won't tell frame times... or wu... the slowest dualy...was doing 42k ppd ... you can do the math...
you have turned in 400k+ points in the past 24 hours last I checked. looks like your farm is cranking along. I hope HP has the air conditioner turned down. Your cube is going to get toasty :)
you have turned in 400k+ points in the past 24 hours last I checked. looks like your farm is cranking along. I hope HP has the air conditioner turned down. Your cube is going to get toasty :)

this is in the 60 degree lab... its not gonna do squat...
Wheelie has been using his two dual processor workstations to keep his feet warm this winter
Posted via Mobile Device
the points should start pouring in ... I think I had quite a few in the 30 to 33 hour mark... when 29hrs was the cutoff for yesterday....
~3am or 6am update

more in the 4hr range which puts them ~6pm update...

and for those that dropped units yesterday early... there are a few boxes that can do a unit in 1.5 days soo... they will drop them sometime tomorrow as well... if they didn't get cursed with the zombie unit...
Way to fold!! Nice dump!!

I expect another 2 wu dumped like that... dunno if they will hit 6 or 9pm....

there may be some others that get dropped ...from the folders that finished late thursday...
Very good work so far, you have appeared from nowhere on my threat lisy and will mow me in 1.3 months:eek::cool:
Very good work so far, you have appeared from nowhere on my threat lisy and will mow me in 1.3 months:eek::cool:

um... when my ppd average catches up to my ppd that should drop to like 4 days... but that will take 5 days to catch up...
um... when my ppd average catches up to my ppd that should drop to like 4 days... but that will take 5 days to catch up...

Nice, 90k PPD and i will get mowed like i'm nobody:(:D
As I have said nice to see you and fold on!!
Nice, 90k PPD and i will get mowed like i'm nobody:(:D
As I have said nice to see you and fold on!!

lol... your not nobody... you are a strong team contributor
I just have access to power :)

edit: up to 859 279 via stanford 5pm update... I am pretty sure there is still more to come...
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Yeah, 859k points today (and rising) :eek:

866 418....
awaiting the 9pm update with eagerness

:( 866k is where it ends today ... was hoping to break a mil lol...
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yeah an 870k day will do that for ya.

better keep it up, I'll be waiting if you don't :)
yeah an 870k day will do that for ya.

better keep it up, I'll be waiting if you don't :)

lol... someone has to find out if interlagos is stable or not :)
might as well be me...