Recent content by AltTabbins

  1. AltTabbins

    Here's what happens if you connect Windows XP to the Internet in 2024

    It was shown that he didn't run a firewall. It was a straight connection to his cable modem. Its actually difficult to replicate this because most people have some sort of hardware firewall built into their router. The only realistic way of testing this would be to either create a VM with the...
  2. AltTabbins

    What Is Your Personal Favorite Video Card of All Time?

    Its been a few years and a few more generations of GPUs I wanted to update mine. My ATI 9600xt is still my all time favorite. The value for the money was insane back then. My local shop was always sold out of them and I ended up begging one of the employees to call me when they restocked them...
  3. AltTabbins

    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands

    Its one of those games thats up there but keeps getting bumped. I almost fired it up and then Baldurs Gate 3 is eating my lunch.
  4. AltTabbins

    Chat message

    Im old wtf is this
  5. AltTabbins

    Final Fantasy VII Remake

    One of the only games that is on console that I won’t buy on pc. I played the original on ps1 with a controller and I’m enjoying it on my ps5.
  6. AltTabbins

    Win 11 pro's? con's? opinions?

    I’ve been using it for a while at work and it’s ok. I like it better than 10. I still prefer Pop_OS but still have software compatibility issues with games and software. That list is getting shorter every month. It’s not painful to anything to stay on 11 though.
  7. AltTabbins

    Diehard Nexus/Pixel user goes 12 Pro Max

    I know you mentioned battery life being a factor for things, I get 2 days easy on a charge On my 13 pro max. When the excitement of a new phone wears off and I start using it normally, ill probably be getting 3.
  8. AltTabbins

    Diehard Nexus/Pixel user goes 12 Pro Max

    The amount of work that goes into mods like this make me want to just say get an android. Both ecosystems are great, just realize your priorities and get what’s functionally better for you.
  9. AltTabbins

    Windows 11 beta thread

    I did early on in the dev cycle. I was very underwhelmed with it in VM. Even when I through a LOT of resources to it, it was sluggish and didn't perform very well. I had it up to 8 cores, 16gb ram, plenty of virtual disk space, and 4gb virtual VRAM and it was still a slide show most of the time...
  10. AltTabbins

    Windows 11 beta thread

    One of the biggest things that I was surprised about was the compatibility. I know its still just Windows 10 at its core, but I haven't even had a driver issue much less have an issue with a piece of software that wouldn't launch. I think the only real inconvenience so far is some programs that...
  11. AltTabbins

    Windows 11 beta thread

    Windows 11 just rolled out its official beta release. If you are in it, what are your thoughts on it? I was in the Dev channel but will be reinstalling Windows 10 and going with the beta channel instead. Surprisingly I haven't had any problems beyond a few minor inconveniences. I don't really...
  12. AltTabbins

    Win 11 pro's? con's? opinions?

    It didn't work at all with my E3 licensed teams. It just said it would be available later. It worked fine with my personal MS account though.
  13. AltTabbins

    Diehard Nexus/Pixel user goes 12 Pro Max

    The story as usual for me. I like both platforms and I think they both have their own ups and downs. You just have to look at what platform has the most pro's for you, or features you can't go without and accept it. Here are the killer features for me - IOS - Hardware integration with the other...
  14. AltTabbins

    Win 11 pro's? con's? opinions?

    I installed it on my gaming pc and a personal laptop. So far I really like it. I think they realize that people wont mind the telemetry as much if it doesn’t present itself so openly. I don’t see any ads, cortana doesn’t randomly pop up, there’s minimal bloat (if you can call it that, the apps...
  15. AltTabbins

    This is stupid. Why is admin account necessary?

    Because its designed that way? Similar to why you cant change anything on the system in Linux without a root account or sudo. To protect your system from people like you.