Recent content by alxnet2003

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    The Oculus Rift Beta Could Go Public by April

    Oculus has been using single panels for both DK1 and DK2 to combat alignment issues with dual panel setups. Their own site says the DK2 offers each eye 960x1080 resolution at 75hz refresh max which would indicate a single 1920x1080 panel for both eyes.
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    Xbox One Scores High Number of Preorders

    It is that simple. I don't think anyone said the PS4 will be identical in power to the 7870, but the difference is essentially similar to 7870 vs 7790 in a PC in terms of performance delta. Don't know how you could also equate the XOne's 32MB embedded DRAM with 5GB of available RAM to the...
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    Xbox One Scores High Number of Preorders It's basically that simple. Yes the Xbox one has 32MB of fast embedded dram, while the PS4 has fast 8GB DDR5 system DRAM. Even assuming they both wash out performance wise, the PS4 still has 50% more shading power - again using the...
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    Xbox One Scores High Number of Preorders

    PS3 and Xbox 360 aren't comparable (far too different architectures). PS4 and the Xbox One are - they both use chips from the SAME manufacturer and not only that, from the same processor family - Jaguar APU, except the PS4 has 50% more shading power. It's basically the difference between...
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    Xbox One Scores High Number of Preorders

    You guys are all forgetting that the PS3 / 360 had far different architectures. The general consensus was that while the PS3 did have more power, it was far more difficult to extract because of the Cell processor makeup. The PS4 and XBOXOne are essentially using the same chip (AMD Jaguar...
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    Xbox One Demos Running On NVIDIA Hardware?

    I'm sure the developer runs the VM within the restricted specifications when *internally* testing how their game would run on final XBONE hardware - that's just the smart thing to do. But I'm betting the temptation to crank up the power would be *very* strong when demoing the same title in...
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    Geforce GTX 780 get hot fast and throttle FPS

    Crank up the fan speed via PrecisionX - there's an option to create your own fan speed curve. I have mine set to 80% when it approaches 70 degrees. Repeated heaven benchmark runs (overclocked) don't push my 780 above 72 degrees which is crazy for a stock blower. As an aside, I had a 580 and...
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    Online Orders for 128 GB Surface Pro to Ship

    I couldn't wait for the 128GB and got the 64GB at Staples last Sunday. After cleaning out all the junk, I ended up with 40GB of free space, which is adequate for my use (I already had a 128GB USB 3.0 stick that I use to store large work files). You're right, this is hardly a beta. Very slick...
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    Leaked GeForce GTX 680 2GB Benchmarks

    That's exactly why I left AMD. Couldn't stand one of the screens tearing (only solution was to use three DP monitors - no thanks). Nvidia didn't have this problem though I did need to buy two GTX 580s. I haven't bothered with AMD/Eyefinity since.
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    gigabyte issues recall on x79 2011 boards

    I've been a 100% Gigabyte user for the past three years (four GB board purchases). After a lot of consideration this one time I made an exception and bought the ASUS x79 pro because of its features (e.g. fan control). Boy am I glad I did.
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    California Passes Internet Tax Law, Amazon Halts Associates Program

    Everyone hates the rich. I hate the rich. We should soak the rich. Confiscate all their wealth. They can get by with a few 100k a year right? Except there's one fact of life you will never escape: The rich create jobs. The rich employ people. The rich pay your salaries. How many of...
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    California Passes Internet Tax Law, Amazon Halts Associates Program

    I thought we were discussing state level budgets here? Specifically California?
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    California Passes Internet Tax Law, Amazon Halts Associates Program

    Immoral or not, when California enters bankrupcy, the judge overseeing it will modify pensions. It was always the case that government work meant lower wages than the private sector but also meant a more stable job and a fairly decent pension at retirement. This is no longer the case. Not...
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    California Passes Internet Tax Law, Amazon Halts Associates Program

    Not quite. California has a major budget shortfall - in the $26 billion dollar range. Their overall operating budget this year is projected at $127 billion. Functioning infrastruture, safety and security will not consume $127 billion. A lot of it is tied up in higher labor/pension costs for...
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    California Passes Internet Tax Law, Amazon Halts Associates Program

    Eliminate public employee unions. Then you won't need sales tax at all. How do states without sales tax survive in this country? They live within their means by not paying out 80% pensions for life to so many public employees who retire in their 50's. California's pension liability alone is...