Recent content by arXiv76

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    Using Google+ For Spamming

    Autohotkey for the win. You could also create a bot to search for thumbnails with a certian size within a window frame move to the right or left so many pixeles and choose the options.. S1mpl3 pimpl3 p0p.
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    Media Thinks Lulz Boat = Louise Boat

    Screw the media and all the sheeple that follow. Find your brain commoners and learn to use it. +100 for lulz
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    Top ISPs Agree to Become Copyright Cops

    My answer's thus far. Windows based: Ultrasurf: surf web anonymously ::Config Proxy if wanted PeerBlocker: block all those pesky IP's you don't need Usenet over VPN or SSL (Grabit) :: Config Proxy if wanted Anyone have answers for Linux: I use the above for linux also.. Anyone...
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    Google Has Four Separate Classes for Workers?

    Dude needs to shut the fk up and do his job. At a base or Ops building/location or HQ he would have a gun pointing at his head and put into a brig until further notice. This works the same for any major tech company. This was all learned this from the US military. Nothing new.. Moving along...
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    U.S. To Use Facebook, Twitter to Issue Terror Alerts

    I wonder if they use Informacast software which with a recent update now supports alerts to both twit and facecrack.
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    Duke Nukem Forever To Use Steamworks on PC

    Gimme some BF3 already folks.. Damn COD series is sucking ass.
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    Duke Nukem Forever To Use Steamworks on PC

    Works for me. I lovin me some Steam.. I haven't bought a boxed game in years and never will. If it ain't on steam I don't buy it.
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    State University of New York Moves to Microsoft’s Cloud

    Our team will also be moving roughly 44k students and staff into the Live EDU cloud next year.. Should be fun.
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    Galaxy 6th Week of Christmas Give-Aways!

    Would fit perfect in my rig..
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    CoD: Black Ops Issues

    All latest firmware and drivers. Win7 Pro 64b AMD 6000+ 4GB ATI 5850 1TB 7200rmp spinpoint game drive. SP has longgggg load times and gets lagy in many area;s of the game. Some busy scenes are fine and others are choppy as hell. It's like its the scenes are trying to catch up to...
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    Study: Virtual Desktop Ownership Costs Higher Than PC

    If your in this field and have been for a while this is and always has been a huge... DUH!!! I seriously can't believe someone spent money to have this report created. We are truly educating ourselves to complete stupidity.
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    HP Takes Top Server Spot From IBM

    IBM blade systems are ass backwards. They are slow and way to proprietary. HP blade server environment simply kicks ass! Fast as snot, multiple interconnects easy as hell to configure and upgrade, cheaper than IBM. SIMS and management support rocks! People if you have never used ILO you have...
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    Seasonic M12II-620 PSU Drawing

    My Fav PSU!
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    Five Hot IT Certification Picks for 2010

    Cert pimps can go fk themselves. I have worked with far to many paper brains that always fail. Earn your communities(IS,BI,IT) respect, get experience, build your skill set's and learn to trouble-shoot all forms of hardware and software before taking the next step and certify yourself. A...