Recent content by Baera

  1. B

    BC2 Vietnam, BF series? Cod? Meet Red Orchestra 2

    RO2 is going to be "the one". It's got everything going for it. A true PC minded developer. They even have the SDK out to modders, before the game is even shipped!
  2. B

    New Battlefield Free-to-Play (similar to BF2)

    Wow.. really bad ATM. Just FYI.
  3. B

    New Battlefield Free-to-Play (similar to BF2)

    I wish I could try this.
  4. B

    Goldeneye Source - Live and let die mode

    Chill dude.
  5. B

    3D Gaming Site?

    Here's a blog I visit sometimes, it's usually very well written.
  6. B

    SC2 Reviews - Is Blizzard afraid of something?

    Well, I guess you're buying it because you want it.
  7. B

    SC2 Reviews - Is Blizzard afraid of something?

    Some of you guys seem so jaded. lol
  8. B

    Valve's E3 Surprise Is ... There Is No Surprise

    This is just an example of how much developers/publishers love to hype everything now days. Not really a bad thing I suppose.
  9. B

    Starcraft 2 Beta usernames/handles

    cadd.cadd gold always willing to practice with any league.
  10. B

    Starcraft 2 Beta Friend Invites

    Gone now.
  11. B

    Starcraft 2 Beta Friend Invites

    Nah, that's not what I mean man. Sorry if it sounded like that. I blame Blizzard for thinking it was a good idea to do the friend invites. They don't get any type of focused beta testing by handing those keys out. If you ask me, they knew very well that giving keys to a bunch of people who...
  12. B

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    Wow, that's pretty cool. Seems like a steal at 100 bucks considering it's hand crafted/painted.
  13. B

    Starcraft 2 Beta

    You guys have to check my new favorite player, "TheLittleOne" He plays random and his game sense is freaking incredible. Very unique player. Apparently he's coming from Supreme Commander and kicked ass there. There are a few more VODs of him if you search on youtube or, but these two I'm...
  14. B

    Starcraft 2 Beta Friend Invites

    oops, wrong thread. ;)
  15. B

    Starcraft 2 Beta Friend Invites

    They have 11 corporate sponsored Starcraft teams, and even a Air Force has a team. Each team costs over $20 million USD to run annually. The Korean government has allocated over 350 billion Won (approx. $308 million USD) to bring South Korea's gaming industry to a world-wide stage. They have...