Recent content by Binap

  1. B

    Cisco in Legal Hassle Over Trademark with University

    I live in Greenville, NC, where ECU is located. This should get interesting around here, can't wait to see the local headlines.
  2. B

    Corsair "Barebones" Christmas Giveaway!

    Customer Service!!!
  3. B

    Not All Billing Errors Are Bad

    My dealings with them have been good. They messed up a few things once (nothing major) and give me $60 ($10 per month, 6 months) and a free movie package for another 6 months. Can't help but love that. :) Also, just to add. We have had the NFL Sunday Ticket package for a couple years. For...
  4. B

    Wave Goodbye to Google Wave

    I was riding the Wave on an early invite. All I can say was that it was cool and neat, but like most I was in that "Okay, now what?" It seems like if you weren't part of a bigger group using it already, it was boring and didn't really have purpose for your everyday use. Oh well, I'm sure they...
  5. B

    Intel Core i7 Full System Drawing @ [H]

  6. B

    Gathering Your Search Info

    A quick search of Macaroni Midgets Mustard will bring you to this post. So, by asking the question of what will "Macaroni Midgets Mustard" will find itself.....WHHHHOOOAAAaaaaa.....
  7. B

    Q9550 E0 Stepping - Where can I get one?

    Just to add to the discussion, I received my Q9550 from Newegg: Ordered: 8/27/08 Received: 9/2/08 S-SPEC: SLAWQ (MALAY) Pack Date: 07/18/08 So, there you have it...C1 Stepping...but not matter, not like I plan on overclocking. Kinda kicks the crap out of my old CPU (P4, 2.4 GHz), so...
  8. B

    ATI Radeon HD 3870 X2 Drawing

    Uhmm.....Yeaa....enter me!
  9. B

    Faster USB 3.0 Is Coming

    that's great news...but when can i expect to see it for purchase?
  10. B

    A Farewell from [H] Consumer

    not that it hasn't already been said, but thanks for your hard work to trying to make this process work. i'm one of those guys that reads the [H] pretty much everyday and loved reading the system reviews. i'm the type that could fix a system and replace/upgrade something here or there, but i...
  11. B

    The Executives Speak @ [H] Consumer

    i don't comment much on the articles, but this time i just had to speak up. i really enjoyed reading your interviews of the executives. perhaps like many that come to your website for the system reviews, i look forward each new system being put under the spotlight, not so much for the...
  12. B

    [H] Box / Child's Play Donation Giveaway

    good point. if i happen to purchase 10 tickets and i am on the page that is drawn...then i have a better chance at winning.