Recent content by Blue Knight

  1. B

    Display Manager to let me "flick" windows on touch screens

    Not sure if this belongs in Software or Displays... I'm evaluating the viability of tablets and touchscreens in Windows 8.1 and currently have a Surface setup with an external Touchscreen monitor. I've been able to get away without using a mouse for the most part, but I find myself wanting...
  2. B

    Is 802.11ac ready? Looking to media stream

    My question - is 802.11ac gear ready for regular use? I know specs are still "to-be finalized" this year - but the equipment is already being sold. Is it worth the cost? My environment: A condo right in the middle between 2 buildings of 150 total units. The 2.4 spectrum is terrible, as...
  3. B

    Palo Alto vs SonicWall, what am I missing?

    Thanks for your replies. The feedback, as expected, is always mixed - but it's good to get 1st hand anecdotes. It's always fine and dandy with whatever the sales rep tells you, but it's hard to get a real sense of how things work until you get your hands on them. "Grass is always greener on...
  4. B

    Palo Alto vs SonicWall, what am I missing?

    So my company is replacing firewalls. In our EU HQ, they went with Palo Alto 2020 models to take the place of Cisco PIX and an IBM IDS box. However, as I'm responsible for the US branch, I'm re-evaluating their decision for our office. We currently have a Cisco 5510 and the same IBM IDS box...
  5. B

    Does Encrypting/Decrypting a drive affect HD recovery?

    Thanks for the replies. That's what I thought - my only hesitation is that I'm not sure how "filevault" works and if it's exactly a block by block deal or some other method that apple uses. Oh, and this isn't a stupid user... it's more someone who left on not so good terms. :eek:
  6. B

    Does Encrypting/Decrypting a drive affect HD recovery?

    Not sure if this belongs in the security or hard drive forum, but I think it has to do more with encrypting HDs so here goes. Basically, the question in the title. If we have encrypted hard drives, and someone "deletes" a file, can I use my normal recovery software tools to "see" that file...
  7. B

    Why do people buy bad games if it's cheap?

    There are actually few games that are actually terrible, by that I mean I would never play under any circumstance. I mean, usually developers are trying to make a decent game, and enough people are involved that hopefully someone says "this is going in a wrong direction - how do we fix it?" It...
  8. B

    Anyone playing Artemis - The Spaceship Bridge Simulator?

    I was watching Checkpoint's "Games you probably never played #4" video and one of the items on there was Artemis - the SpaceShip Bridge Simulator (link). I'm always on the lookout for Co-Op games, and this looks like a great new gameplay method - and brings out the inner trekkie geek! For...
  9. B

    What's in an business wireless solution?

    I guess in my case, this means I really don't need anything "fast". :) I mean, this is the this site's FIRST wireless network - in 2012......our needs are pretty low. It's more of a convenience factor at this point than a mission critical ap - so I'm specing out accordingly. I'll give...
  10. B

    What's in an business wireless solution?

    Thanks for the input all! I'm really not at the point to trust consumer gear in a work environment. I have enough issues with them at home and with the household sucking the bandwidth. I really don't want the CEO coming to me and asking me why the wireless went down during a management...
  11. B

    What's in an business wireless solution?

    I've been tasked with giving my small business a wireless network. The consultants that were employed prior to my arrival speced out a Cisco network, so we threw in their pricing quote for this year's budget and I assumed we'd go with Cisco (our backbone is Cisco). However, after perusing the...
  12. B

    Can I use ESXi on my old PC?

    Damn, after reading some more it seems like high-point is a dead end for ESXi. Too much pain trying to get them to work. I wish I could afford a new controller card, and some SAS drives to boot, but that's not an option for me right now. I do have a technet subscription though, so I might...
  13. B

    Can I use ESXi on my old PC?

    Thanks for the hardware links. It looks like there's drivers for the controller card, but only for ESXi 4. Might need to pickup an Intel card too to replaced the realtek built in NIC. I was hoping to run ESX 5, but I supposed 4.1 will work too - none of the upgrades really apply to a home...
  14. B

    Can I use ESXi on my old PC?

    It's time to upgrade the hardware again and I'm interested in turning my current PC into a ESXi server. It's what we use at work and I'm needing a playground as I work on my MCITP Certs. After looking around though, is ESXi only supported on certain configurations? I'm kinda on a shoestring...
  15. B

    Where to get an ELO calculator?

    Hey all, my company just bought a ping long table and we have at least 20 players. Rather than a straight ladder, I was thinking that using an elo system would be a better assessment of skill as various games are played. These are the same algorithms that are used in Mutiplayer games today...