Recent content by Boogalou

  1. B

    Is a wireless access point the best way to add Ipad to existing wired home network?

    Yep, non-wireless. Thank you sir! Really appreciate the help :) I was afraid I'd buy the wrong thing.
  2. B

    Is a wireless access point the best way to add Ipad to existing wired home network?

    I have several pcs wired into our dsl network at home through a non-wireless router. Am I correct in assuming that I could simply plug a wireless access point into the current router (D-Link Gamer Lounge) in order to provide the Ipad with internet connectivity? This is the first Apple...
  3. B

    Is this a good camcorder to film my new baby with?

    I just need a decent amateur camcorder to film my new daughter's early years :) I don't want to spend a huge amount of $$. Is this a decent cheap one? Costco. Or is there a better option at Newegg? THANK YOU!!!
  4. B

    Need something equivilant or better than a 4870x2 with hdmi + dvi simultaneous outpu

    Looks like my current card is all I need, BIG thank you to everyone!
  5. B

    Need something equivilant or better than a 4870x2 with hdmi + dvi simultaneous outpu

    That wouldn't send sound though would it? My plan was to send a LONG hdmi cable into the next room.
  6. B

    Need something equivilant or better than a 4870x2 with hdmi + dvi simultaneous outpu

    I'm happy with my 4870x2 but mine doesn't have hdmi. I've been browsing Newegg but am just becoming more and more confused. Can anyone recommend a card that is at least as powerful, and can simultaneously display to a monitor via dvi and a television via hdmi. I need both to display at the...
  7. B

    Replaced Video Card, Same Problem Occurs, Squares On Screen From Boot On, Help!

    This is insane :( Now have a new psu and mb. Still have scrambled characters, artifacts during bios, occasionally no screen at all. Will occasionally boot fine and then run fine for several hours. Is the following logic sound? Not the video card because it's new and I ran Fumark for 60 mins...
  8. B

    Replaced Video Card, Same Problem Occurs, Squares On Screen From Boot On, Help!

    After trying every suggestion in this thread, I'm done lol. Broke down and ordered a nice Corsair Psu from newegg. If that doesn't fix it, plan B involves tears. Thanks again for all the help!
  9. B

    Replaced Video Card, Same Problem Occurs, Squares On Screen From Boot On, Help!

    Sincerely appreciate the help! Thank you everyone! Tried to boot with a disk just now, screen is just black atm. It will do this for awhile, then the next day for instance it will boot a few times (was lucky that I was able to update bios), and then nothing. Comp sounds like it's starting...
  10. B

    Replaced Video Card, Same Problem Occurs, Squares On Screen From Boot On, Help!

    Just updated Bios, switched ram around, tried them separately, no dice :confused:
  11. B

    Replaced Video Card, Same Problem Occurs, Squares On Screen From Boot On, Help!

    Have you actually seen a mb do this before? I was considering it might be the mb, but am leaning towards the psu. Please tell me SOMEONE has had this situation happen to them before? In 10+ years of building computers I've NEVER seen anything other than the vid card cause artifacts.
  12. B

    Replaced Video Card, Same Problem Occurs, Squares On Screen From Boot On, Help!

    It's a Sapphire. And the character thingy really threw me as well. I'm tempted to just go ahead and order a new psu, but I can't fathom how low power on start up would change the characters while leaving them in the correct locations. I'm so confused... :confused:
  13. B

    Replaced Video Card, Same Problem Occurs, Squares On Screen From Boot On, Help!

    Yup, new one actually looks different and has different serial number.
  14. B

    Replaced Video Card, Same Problem Occurs, Squares On Screen From Boot On, Help!

    You may be right, but why would it work for a year and a half with no problems if that was the issue? Do psu's degrade over time or something? Would hate shell out the $$$ and have it not fix the issue :(