Recent content by cair0

  1. C

    analyzing code; can you decrypt this?

    importString = s.substr(s.lastIndexOf("?") + 1, s.length); Gets a substring starting from the last occurance of "?" in the string "s" to the end of the string. splitString = importString.split("!"); creates an array "splitString" containing each fragment of "importString" which is...
  2. C

    12" MacBook Pro?

    Sadly it's just not gonna happen, Apple has already said the 13" MB replaced the 12" PB and 12/14" iBook models. I wish they do what some PC laptop mfgs are doing and making the video card expandable/replacable. Then again with integrated graphics I'm sure that's simply not doable since all...
  3. C

    Please Give me the Noob intro into Macs

    if you look at what he said, it's obvious that it's BS. The only advantage the black one has is a bigger HD, and AFAIK you can get equally spec'd black/white macbooks
  4. C

    Say goodbye to your hopes of a 12" MBP It's too bad too, I <3 my little powerbook, i have a feeling the MB just won't feel the same (new keyboard, bigger, heavier, not metal) On the plus side, wireless will be better, but I'm gonna miss this little thing when I...
  5. C

    Mini --> Nano

    as the owner of a broken nano, while it is pretty indestructable, I got a dent on the back of mine which pretty much fubared it because the battery was right underneath. It was a TINY TINY dent, but the thing got fucked up. I think i may have run into a desk corner or something when it was in...
  6. C

    Play .FLAC file in OSX

    I used macFLAC, it works pretty well, but it just gives you giant .aiff (or maybe .wav) files from what i remember. Then you have to load them in to iTunes and convert them to whatever yourself, or use lame from the command line if you're leet. Anyway, it's about the only solution since...
  7. C

    PC Magazine says OS X should be open source

    i have no idea what relavance that quote has to this discussion; but following the source and argument set forth, MPlayerOSX installed just by dragging it to my apps folder.
  8. C

    Repairing Permissions

    I've had permissions randomly disappear on some of my itunes music recently. I can only think of one poorly written application that would be accessing it.
  9. C

    Repairing Permissions

    Permissions are exactly what they say they are. It's a 3 digit octal number that says who can access the file, and there is also information about who owns the file (user and group). The fact that permissions can just break like that is something that really confuses me, I don't know why ANY...
  10. C

    Half Life 2 on MacBook Pro...

    according to the fans work fine, they just aren't audible until you get to higher CPU loads.
  11. C

    iPod users - how many of the features do you use?

    I generally use playlists for parties and when i have ppl in the car, that way I can put it on shuffle without wondering whether the chicken dance or something stupid will accidently come on.
  12. C

    why i love my wifes Ipod but dont want one yet/

    IMHO, steve wants podcasting to become THE mainstream means of distributed content, much like radio was in the early 20th century. He seems all about giving up old technologies and riding the wave of the future, and that's just what he's doing here.
  13. C

    Did anyone REALLY not see this coming?

    The one thing intel really has going for them is they can build Northbridge chips, and thus motherboards that don't suck. AMD has always had problems connecting the chip to the board, and they are just now starting to get their act together in that arena.
  14. C

    i9300 -> 12" powerbook 1.5 Ghz G4 = Power hit?

    I'll have to disagree with you there. While the screen is small, it's not sharp. That is to say, there is nothing wrong with it, but when you compare it to a 1280x800 display like on the 700m's, it doesn't even compare in terms of sharpness.
  15. C

    hdparm for OSX?

    hdparm is a linux only thing, i know there is atacontroller for FreeBSD. Not at my mac at present so I can't give it a whirl