Recent content by Canadian in Berlin

  1. C

    10% Of Americans Don’t Carry Cash Anymore

    9 years ago when i lived in Canada I only carried cash for small things, maybe $20-30 tops... basically breakfast in the cafeteria and lunch money. Then I moved to Germany and it blew my mind how cash is still used almost exclusively for everything you do during the day. Credit Cards can only...
  2. C

    UK's Security Branch Says Ubuntu Most Secure End-User OS

    Hearing the GCHQ say this, the first thing to pop into my mind is a loud Ackbarian "IT'S A TRAP!"
  3. C

    Germany Bans Sales of Xbox One’s Dead Rising 3

    It's only banned from being sold to underage minors, however it won't be approved for sale until sometime after the console release date due to the wonders of german bureacracy. This also happened with Dead Space 2, and after some time they managed to get it an 18+ rating. Germany is very...
  4. C

    People Don't Understand Or Use Digital Wallets

    I live in Germany... digital wallets will probably never arrive here, between Germany's privacy laws and privacy paranoia. I always need to carry cash, as most bars/restaurants/etc don't accept debit cards due or have a very high minimum purchase value. My Credit Card is for online purchases...
  5. C

    Hawken PhysX Trailer

    That just looks terrible imo... I've been considering going back to an Nvidia card at my next upgrade for PhysX, but if thats all it brings to games, I'll keep the cash and get the AMD....
  6. C

    Violent Video Games Removed From Rest Areas

    When I was a kid I used sticks as rifles and my hands as pistols and played war, pointing them at animals and people and cars... All sticks and children's hands need to be removed to prevent violent crime... wait... GENIUS!
  7. C

    Former First Lady Suing Google Over Auto-Completes

    She's the former first lady of german president with the shortest term ever because he is suspected of [getting caught] corruption and accepting bribes and such. So that makes it all the more hilarious that she's going to learn all about the Streisand effect... Now that this has made...
  8. C

    Questions to ESXi all-in-one

    No, but my drives are 1TB WD Greens and everything I've read tells me that ZFS and these don't play well together, something about sector size or something like that (I read up on it a while back).
  9. C

    Questions to ESXi all-in-one

    It's been 100% rock solid for me for about 2 years now, it was other hardware in the old server that died, and I just plugged the harddrives into the new system and did a mdadm --scan --reassemble (something like that) and 10 seconds later I mounted the /dev/md0 and all was online again. It...
  10. C

    Skyrim for $40?

    I'm not a huge skyrim fan, nonetheless I sunk 40 hours into the game in the first 3 weeks (before the good mods were out) and haven't touched it since. 60 bucks for 40 hours isn't too bad, compared to many games... and probably later this year will be the first "mod bundle" such as Oblivion...
  11. C

    Questions to ESXi all-in-one

    I have a few questions about migrating to an ESXi all-in-one build: Some Background I'm running a small linux file/web/FTP/Media/Torrent server at home. I have 4x1TB WD Green drives in a Software RAID10, and it has a 5th drive as a system drive. I had a catasprohic hardware failure in...
  12. C

    Planescape Torment or Dragon Age?

    I really liked Dragon Age and Witcher and co... but Planescape was truly amazing. Right down to having dialogue options for a drooling idot of a character.
  13. C

    "Dark Souls : Prepare to Die Edition" coming to PC.

    Easy Solution: Do like CD Projekt and use none. Even Steam has issues, but GFWL are much more widespread and much more serious as a whole (I also suffered the disappearing save bug in several games, also not being able to move saves between my PC and my laptop).
  14. C

    "Dark Souls : Prepare to Die Edition" coming to PC.

    Honestly, I'm one of the people who has nothing but issues with GFWL. I've managed to get it working 80% of the time, I simply have to tweak the MTU on my PC (I have a customer VPN installed that needs a MTU lower than 1500, GFWL doesn't work with that). I also have to enable UPNP AND make my...