Recent content by CassTreat

  1. C

    New (Yet Old) Gameing Display.

    Funny thing happened today, I took it to a small private LAN party and somehow somebody put scratches in the anti-glare, Unfortunately its not the peel off kind on AG. But I still would have paid 10x more then I did for it. I am now i true believer in CRT, I used to think I was an LCD guy. Now I...
  2. C

    New (Yet Old) Gameing Display.

    I was looking for a good monitor for about 6 weeks before i broke down and got a Sony CRT, I was horrified to find out that the monitor I just got was useless (To Me). The screen is hazed and I will most likely "Try" to polish it but I doubt I will have any luck. But lucky for me a local...
  3. C

    Disappointed with my second 22" LCD! Input wanted.

    Iv been thinking at doing the same, I have a 2232BW and at 50 it looks the same as 100 and at 25 it looks about the same as 50 lol. Any LCD I have had has been too bright and with too much brightness comes BBL. I was thinking about going back to my Trinitron but I need DVI for my PS3, but I...
  4. C

    Westinghouse L2410NM vs. Samsung 245BW

    The only real way to test for input lag is by having a CRT and a LCD in clone mode while running a stopwatch program, you then get a digicam that has a good shutter speed and compare the two. I you plan on playing any online games then you will be toast, but I found that the westy worked OK...
  5. C

    Westinghouse L2410NM vs. Samsung 245BW

    I had 2 and both would peak at 72ms, They would average about 37ms. Anything over 15ms can be seen by a hardcore gamer(but most gamers would notice any amount.), for me I can see 5-10ms. When I had my westy I couldn't use it as I could see a delay it mouse movement on the desktop. If you like I...
  6. C

    Westinghouse L2410NM vs. Samsung 245BW

    I've had the the westy and all I can say is "holy input lag batman". I took some shots of it next to a CRT and recorded input times as high 72ms at its native res with DVI and HDMI. For me and any real gamer the westy is useless for anything other then a movie display. I do have to say it...
  7. C

    Low Budget Gaming Monitor.

    Hello, I have about $300 to spend but under $250 would be better. Right now all I can find that has a 2ms RT and HDCP for under 300 is the ASUS VW222U. If anybody has one please tell me about the basics like input lag, ghosting and motion blur. Right now I don't think I'd be willing to get a...
  8. C

    LG L204WT ghosting and motion blur.

    A few days ago my long lived FS7600 CRT died and I ahd to go out and buy a monitor. I read a few reviews and this monitor before a got and it I didn't see anything about ghosting or motion blur, but mine seems to be pretty bad. When I play games like CS:S or COD4 I get a lot of bluring and...
  9. C

    LG L204WT Good for PS3?

    Hello, I am a little short on cash and was looking for a monitor that can be used with my PS3 that's under $200. I saw that CC had the L204WT for $179.99 so I have to know what you think. So I guess I just need to know how well it will work, Will it stretch and if so how bad? I was going...
  10. C

    The Official HP w2207/w2007 Thread

    Hello, I'm looking to buy one of these but all I can find so far is the ITM001 model, Is this moniter still worth getting if that is the only one I can find?