Recent content by Catch22sk8r

  1. C

    Madden NFL 15, FIFA 15, and NHL 15 Ultimate Editions Pre-Orders

    felt a little sad seeing this as a front page topic.
  2. C

    Sapphire 7970 $320 ($300 AR)

    Yeah, I'm having trouble ordering right now.
  3. C

    Diablo 3 Release Date Announced

    aw, that sucks. thanks for the info.
  4. C

    Diablo 3 Release Date Announced

    If anyone has an extra key, i'd like to try out the beta. Thanks!
  5. C

    Amazon Selling Over 1M Kindles Per Week

    I had a $50 amazon gift card so I picked up a fire. seems easy enough to root and unroot if needed and a decent development community behind it. i'll probably only use it to read comics though when im watching tv.
  6. C

    Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

    I think you are blowing this out of proportion. I haven't had any issues with the browser, it doesn't appear to be slow or laggy at all and most servers are somehwat close to the correct pings. It's also incredibly easy to add friends now and join off them or invite them to a party and join or...
  7. C

    PC Battlefield 3 Lacks Key FPS Feature: No Ingame Server Browser.. Yes I'm serious.

    Pretty much what I was going to post. All Dice browsers have more or less been terrible on launch and afterwards. The battlelog browser was a bit of a surprise, it's fast and it actually works.
  8. C

    Steam Summer Sale 2011

    I think GTA4 + expansions is on sale for $10 today. not a bad deal might be cool to get and check out that icemod
  9. C

    Vid of me owning an aimbot on Nuketown

    it's a fun game to jump into for a little mindless shooting. i'd buy it if it were $15 or so on PC , but i doubt we'll ever see that day given the normal pricing scheme of cod games. I love BC2 , and it's $5 , i bought it for my friend for $6 and he was promptly addicted. you'd think activision...
  10. C

    Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

    a valid point, i just think i'd rather see that situation countered by decreased stamina like in the bf2 1.5 patch (having almost no stamina by your second bhop after running) rather than an actual enter/exit animation.
  11. C

    Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

    Thank God, that would be a terrible design choice for a BF game.
  12. C

    Battlefield 3 - Official Thread

    i'd rather have nade spam than claymore whores. and if the team is good enough you just roll over them anyway.
  13. C

    Is there still a healthy Battlefield 2 community?

    Fun 4 All is a free to play tourney , they do 8 hours battles on thur and sundays 4 map rotations with a new set of maps each week the community is pretty good mostly made up of guys from before they stopped doing bf2 tourneys. Theres also...
  14. C

    Free In-Broswer Angry Birds From Google

    welp , there goes my work week.
  15. C

    Amazon Responds to Apple's 'Appstore' Suit

    agreed, the whole thing is silly.