Recent content by chenw

  1. C

    Do you expect full backwards compatibility for next-gen consoles?

    I'd call that "free ports" than backwards compatibility. Xbox One didn't have an iota of backwards compatibility when it was released, it was Microsoft's deliberate efforts behind the scenes to recoup the market share it had. And, I personally wouldn't classify 25% compatible titles as...
  2. C

    Check Clockspeeds and Benchmarks Before Buying a Gaming Laptop

    1060 is a nightmare to compare. 1060 6GB and mobile uses the same chip 1060 3GB desktop uses a cut chip 1060 3GB mobile uses the same chip as 1060 6GB
  3. C

    Mass update on steam

    I had 80 games that required updates, PITA but I got through them, only a few actually downloaded anything significant though.
  4. C

    Nintendo President Says Switch Successor, Price Cut Not Currently Being Considered

    First I have heard of it. You might have meant "New" 3DS, not 3DS XL in particular. The Original 3DS, 2DS and 3DS XL is made from the same original hardware under the hood, then a second set of consoles called New 3DS, New 3DS XL and New 2DS XL, which had hardware improvements, perhaps you...
  5. C

    Do you expect full backwards compatibility for next-gen consoles?

    No. Consoles seems to start realising that if you offer backwards compatibility, you will not be able to sell you the game an n-th time. Even with Nintendo I don't have my hopes up at all. PS. I consider Xbox one's "backwards compatibility" closer to "free ports" than actual BC, since a stock...
  6. C

    Nintendo President Says Switch Successor, Price Cut Not Currently Being Considered

    Doesn't exist, there are no games that work on a 3DS XL and not a 3DS/2DS
  7. C

    Is G-Sync still worth it? Seeking advice for monitor & GPU upgrades

    The way I chose my replacement monitor for my dead PG278Q was this: Choose the screen size and resolution first, that narrows down the search dramatically. If there is a choice, then determine panel type, then if it is curved or not. I chose 32" 1440p 144hz, so my panel type is fixed (VA), and...
  8. C

    Grim Dawn Alpha starts tomorrow

    Hang on, doesn't the guy that respec your skill also let you respec constellations with aether shards? Or was that removed? Also, any idea on a good beginner Death Knight build? Most builds I read on forums seem to be end game builds.
  9. C

    Are you ditching Steam in favor of Epic Store?

    No, I haven't ditched steam at all even when I have GoG/Origin installed on my computer. Even if Epic starts selling games on it that isn't sold on Steam, that is still no reason to "ditch" Steam, considering that the majority of my library is still there.
  10. C

    31.5" 2560x1440 165 Hz VA G-Sync - LG 32GK850G

    Well, after some really long thinking, I ended up not waiting for the drivers and got the 32GK850G. Kinda disappointed at how little difference the increased contrast made, but otherwise I am not too disappointed at the monitor, the colours came closer to my BL3201PT after calibration than my...
  11. C

    Nvidia Expands G-Sync Support to Approved Adaptive Sync Monitors

    Forgive me if I am wrong, but wasn't the reason behind being able to enable G-Sync on laptop displays primarily because eDP already had VRR tech built into them as a power saving measure, so G-Sync was piggy backed on that tech, but no such thing existed for desktop computers (power saving...
  12. C

    The perfect 4K 43” monitor! Soon! Asus XG438Q ROG

    VA? Wouldn't that panel type cause problems for screens that size?
  13. C

    31.5" 2560x1440 165 Hz VA G-Sync - LG 32GK850G

    pcmonitor review does not mention any frame skipping with nVidia GPU. I know they used nVidia GPU since they made a perculiar observation with regards to gtg transition when they hooked it up to nVidia GPU.
  14. C

    Nvidia Expands G-Sync Support to Approved Adaptive Sync Monitors

    And don't forget, they are giving us the option to manually enable it on unsupported monitors as well. Experience may vary, but at least it's not model lockout.
  15. C

    31.5" 2560x1440 165 Hz VA G-Sync - LG 32GK850G

    I know this is a very long shot, but has anyone here ever tried comparing F and G models while connected to an nVidia GPU and could share what monitor you'd prefer? Currently, the 2 models are costing less than $30 apart, and I own a GTX 1080, wondering if going for wide gamut/Blur reduction is...