Recent content by codebasher

  1. C

    World War Z: Zombies Are Coming Trailer

    This looks like L4D without the 'super zombies" Cool!!!!! I'm so in to this.
  2. C

    Yes, Rian Johnson Is Still Working on His "Star Wars" Trilogy

    That about sums it up for me too. After the sheer abortion that was VIII, I couldn't imagine watching another three of the same. It wasn't just a bad movie, Rian gleefully eviscerated anything and everything that was once Star Wars and replaced it with a steaming pile of incoherent jibberish.
  3. C

    Arthur C. Clarke Predicted a Computer Would Fit on a Desk in 1974

    Looking at dad's mutton chops this is a 70's video alright. With an ABC journalist doing the interview that would explain the complete ignorance. When my dad got a Commodore PET in 1979 all my 17yr old schoolmates couldn't believe I had a computer that fit on a desk. (Townsville, Qld...
  4. C

    IBM Is Being Sued for Age Discrimination

    "The idea of trickle-down economics is that the rich will return some of their wealth to the economy" The rich become rich by NOT doing that. Their wealth is far better spent buying politicians, dodging tax and ensuring cash trickles from the poor to their pockets and not the other way around.
  5. C

    AMD to Showcase SMACH Z Handheld Gaming Console at the Tokyo Game Show

    ... She was talking about something?
  6. C

    Star Citizen’s Chris Roberts Comments on Pay-to-Win Accusations

    Best post in thread :D Until I found this one.. :D :D
  7. C

    “Star Trek 4” Rumored to Feature Female Villain, New Female Hero

    I just love good strong female roles (buffy, wonder woman etc), what a shame SJW has nothing whatsoever to do with good strong female roles.
  8. C

    “Solo” Box Office a Historic Failure for “Star Wars”

    Well said naib... Disney management's total disdain for fans coupled with their idiotic social agendas has all but destroyed the franchise and now the fans have spoken. ... with their wallets.
  9. C

    Slow Motion Video of the Day

    Lucky he wasn't in Australia; here he would be up on multiple terrorism and firearm charges. Not to mention being the headline for the 6:00 news. I kid you not......
  10. C

    Battlefield 5 Set During World War I, Releasing October?

    I can just imagine the game play. [spawn] Hop out of Trench, run ten yards towards enemy, killed by machine gun or Artillery. {spawn] Hop out of Trench, run ten yards towards enemy, killed by machine gun or Artillery. [spawn] Gas Attack, die {spawn] Hop out of Trench, run ten yards towards...
  11. C

    J.J. Abrams: Gay Characters Coming To Star Wars

    Gay people in a Hollywood production isn't news.... Finding a straight person in hollywood, now that's news.
  12. C

    Twitch Boss Calls The End Of Games Consoles

    I for one welcome our new computer overlords.....