Recent content by cytech

  1. C

    What all do you run for software / servers at home?

    HP server with ESX coloed at work in one of our DC's various 2k8/2k12 and debian VMs for internet heavy stuff (game/web servers etc) Supermicro ESX at home for playing and home "services" Paloalto VM Sophos VM PFsense VM Fortigate VM juniper SSLVPN 1 debian for monitoring (checkMK and...
  2. C

    ASA 5505 or SRX210 for home lab?

    you can completely administrate them via CLI or rest API, user ID stuff can also be used in non windows environments via captive portal for example. we have a few customers with mac setups and they just authenticate via captive portal. not sure where you can find a PA for under 500$ =) if you...
  3. C

    Looking for a mini rack?

    try here: cheap aswell :)
  4. C

    LF perfect DIY router. (ALIX, Soekris, Routerboard, something else?)

    pcengines has now released an apu board to replace the 2d13 Don't have one yet but I have high hopes for this board
  5. C

    Always on VPN

    Juniper MAG gateway with Pulse is probably one of the most powerful/flexible ssl-vpn solutions available, not cheap though.
  6. C

    Looking for a programmable button for command execution seriously... two seconds on google...
  7. C

    Send specific url's via vpn?

    I do this with 2x squid, one local one on the other side of the tunnel config on the local squid looks something like this... acl redirect dstdomain cache_peer parent 3128 0 cache_peer_access allow localnet redirect never_direct allow...
  8. C

    Looking for a cheap IPSec appliance - Ideas?

    I get 20-30mbit ipsec out of an ssg5, I cant imagine a ns 5gt will hit 30-50mb
  9. C

    Older Juniper Replacement

    paloalto 500 cluster or 2020 cluster i work with Juniper ssg/srx, checkpoint, paloalto, astaro and pfsense PA is my fav by far from usabilty to features only scary thing is mostly the price :(
  10. C

    Best way to access home network

    providing you have a router that can do nat traversal then the vpn server can be behind the router then just pass the ports through
  11. C

    Icons up and vanished like a fart in the wind

    right click -> view -> show desktop icons maybe, not sure about why the BG would go though
  12. C

    How are you guys liking Windows 8 so far?

    I've had it installed for over a week on my laptop. Initial response was: Where the hell did I put the windows 7 CD. after now using it for a bit I will probably keep it installed, very few/no drawbacks, uses less ram boots fairly quick, sure the metro stuff is pretty pointless without a...
  13. C

    How to disable RDP "Login" screen

    you can shadow a rdp session, but afaik only if the machine in question is server.
  14. C

    replacement for sonicwall tz200

    juniper ssg5 will do you 40mbps ipsec, not sure what they go for in the US but you should be able to get one for well under 1000
  15. C

    DUAL intel pro 1000/pt adapter in PCI-E x1 port?

    isn't a x4 longer than an x1? will it even fit?