Recent content by Dcamel

  1. D

    Wildly inconsistent video card temperatures

    1280x1024 Resolution 1x Multisampling Vsync off Texture Resolution Low Texture Filtering Bilinear Projected Textures off View distance, environment detail, and ground clutter all low Shadow/Liquid quality low, Sunshafts and SSAO disabled, particle density low The CPU is an AMD64...
  2. D

    Wildly inconsistent video card temperatures

    fffff I read the wrong reading, it's CPU temperatures, not GPU, GPU has been steadily low. Suppose the rest of my query still stands, just that it's maxing out a different component than I thought. I did set WoW to lowest graphics setting preset, hopefully that helps. This does need to be...
  3. D

    Wildly inconsistent video card temperatures

    Recently, I've had very high temperatures in world of warcraft, running the game in DirectX9 mode and getting temperatures into the seventies Celsius. I've cleaned the thing fairly recently (two months ago) and that hasn't helped. What's all the stranger is that Bioshock Infinite, a much...
  4. D

    VGA cooler selection (and do I need one?)

    I've tried, believe me, but a guide can't answer questions, and I have plenty. I went through each step of that guide, enabling fan control with each method. I've tried using only low-level fan control, only driver-level fan control, and using low-level control after editing power user...
  5. D

    VGA cooler selection (and do I need one?)

    I already dusted the card thoroughly along with everything else in the case, but I'll see if leaving the side off lowers temperatures in the mean time. Right now my case fans are simply a single fan on the rear blowing out and the PSU fan, as well as a side-panel fan that blows inward (which...
  6. D

    VGA cooler selection (and do I need one?)

    That's both more than I'd prefer to spend on a cooler and more involved to install by all appearances. Again, I'm -hoping- to find a way to reduce the card's temperature without modifying the card itself in anyways, because I'm clumsier than the average human being. I should really put it out...
  7. D

    VGA cooler selection (and do I need one?)

    I've recently been experiencing some heat issues with my XFX Geforce9800GT, with temperatures under load cresting eighty degrees Celsius on a fairly regular basis. I've had some intermittent but fairly serious graphical issues (artifacts, severe screen distortion) and not only do I find it...
  8. D

    Radeon X1550 vs. Nvidia Geforce 6600GT

    Is there an enormous gap in power between these two cards? I recently had the latter card (6600GT) blow up on me, and replaced it with the former (X1550) on my brother's system. Sharp declines in performance were seen in gaming on this computer. It's been running World of Warcraft, and on the...
  9. D

    cable internet connection not working

    Shmuchkety: I've tried that many, many times. For whatever reason, it doesn't seem to be effective. Marley: I think you may be right, the reason I'm trying to establish an internet connection in the first place is to run windows update to remove that annoying RPC exploit that shuts your...
  10. D

    cable internet connection not working

    Finally came back to work on this thing again, and it turns out I *had* checked that out already. It's set to obtain IP and DNS servers automatically, and already had been. But still I see in network connections that while the local area connection is enabled, there is no internet connection...
  11. D

    cable internet connection not working

    Most likely was. I've likely committed a brain fart here, I'll check that first, thanks for the constructive replies.
  12. D

    cable internet connection not working

    I borrowed a computer from a co-worker's mother to try and take a look at it. I use a cable internet connection split amongst my computers with a linksys wired router. I disconnected one PC to hook up the PC I'm trying to take a look at, but unfortunately I can't seem to get an internet...
  13. D

    X1900XT: Running super hot of warcraft

    Huge thanks to you both, especially Ranari. After I started getting artifacts tonight and my card finally just locked up completely, I took the card out of the case. I didn't even need to disassemble it to see that the heatsink was a wall of dirt. A q-tip and some canned air later and I'm...
  14. D

    X1900XT: Running super hot of warcraft

    My card has been acting a bit funny lately. I've had it for about 6 months now, but just recently I hear the fan spinning up to keep up with some load that I'm not clear of the source. I'm playing world of warcraft with somewhat high settings, but I don't expect it to heat up this much. It's...
  15. D

    mixing RAM...
