Recent content by Decelerate

  1. D

    10/23 Apple media event discussion

    How is that not like any and every other OEMs out there?:confused:
  2. D

    Are consumer drives bad for hardware raid?

    Links in my previous post, though it was not the original article I read (because I remember the picture used). It was a LONG time ago, when Google was still rocketing post-IPO. The gist of it, iirc, was not that enterprise drives weren't better but that they weren't better given the cost...
  3. D

    Are consumer drives bad for hardware raid?

    There was an article detailing Google's tech infrastructure, and how they used consummer-grade hard drives for storage (raided of course) because they didn't detect any significant price/performance advantage to go enterprise. Edit: I think it's this...
  4. D

    Dell U2412M

    Got mine today. A02 Jan 2012 from China. Pretty decent, though my WPF2007 seems to have better color.
  5. D

    Dell U2412M

    How do you get your tracking number? Dell's order page is a mess :mad: Edit: Found it. How do you delete a post?
  6. D

    Dell U2412M

    Odd :confused: Mine shipped the next day.
  7. D

    Dell U2412M

    Thanks for the heads-up! Impulse-shopping at its worst. Oh my wallet!
  8. D

    Dell U2412M

  9. D

    Dell U2412M

    Man, I so regretted not getting the 2209WA :(
  10. D

    Dell U2412M

    275 and I would've pulled the trigger, probably for 2!
  11. D

    Dell U2412M

    Copied and kept in a txt file: Right now I'm in Preset > Custom Color with Red>96, Green>93, and Blue>87 @ brightness of 45 and contrast of 75. This seems to match the white up to my NEC and the rest of the colors look decent as well, just looking at test images.
  12. D

    New Gaming Monitor 24'-27' - Help?

    Imo you'd be better "balanced" if you have 1x 6950 and less of a penny-pinching monitor. I'm not saying that 400$ is too little. I'm just saying that you need to loosen up the budget limit on the monitor requirement, because I don't see how 2 6950s will get "pushed" much with a 24/27" monitor.
  13. D

    New Gaming Monitor 24'-27' - Help?

    Feels off. You have 2x6950s (over 400$ for GPU alone), yet you're not laying out more than 400$ for a monitor?
  14. D

    Dell U2412M

    What are 10e's settings? I wish this type of info would go in a wiki or the first post, I'm setting up 4 of these babies as soon as I receive them.
  15. D

    Dell U2412M

    So it only works for GTA? Dayum another thing to add to the "Montreal is jealous" thread...