Recent content by Delltron

  1. D

    embedding webcams into other website

    Hi, Since ski season is here, I have been checking the mountain webcams alot and was wondering how I can embed the webcam images from the resort websites into mine? ie - How would I go about doing this so that the performance of the...
  2. D

    Computer auto restarts to older version

    Hi, I am getting some wierd effects of my computer from Limewire (I think its causing it). Randomly my computer will restart and will load up windows to an image that was weeks or days ago. All of my files and IE history are from back in time, and I have no idea whats going on. Has...
  3. D

    PHP / mySQL coding help needed, $ available

    Thanks for the links! Essentially what I want to do is have the user download an excel template, they would enter in their data, and upload it. Can you think of any other ideas that would allow for an easy process of entering a large amount of data?
  4. D

    PHP / mySQL coding help needed, $ available

    Hi guys, I am currently in search for an easy way for a user to use an excel template to upload data to a mySQL db. Has anyone had any success with this? If so, please contact me at [email protected] asap. I am offering a $ reward for a great script. Thanks!
  5. D Beta! Please critique!

    Hello, Our team at just released our beta version of our tool and we are looking for feedback. The tool allows you to check if multiple pages are linking back to your site, with the click of a button. It will check and confirm that Nofollow tags are not placed around...
  6. D

    website critique

  7. D

    Website critique needed

  8. D

    folder access and Windows XP Pro

  9. D - Site and Application design critique needed!

    Thanks for the comments! I have made some improvements to the pages, so please take a look!
  10. D

    CSS Navigation windows

    I am trying to put together a demo type page in CSS but I am struggling! This is essentially what I want to do: ----------------------------------------------------------- | | |...
  11. D - Site and Application design critique needed!

    Do you mind elaborating on the comments: - main navigation point does not call out to me - "manage your links" menu does not fit with the rest of the design - inconsistency in font size between pages Thanks for the input!
  12. D - Site and Application design critique needed!

    Hi everyone, I am working with a friend to put together It is a site designed for SEOs, Webmasters and Online Professionals who buy links on websites for their online marketing campaigns. Please let me know what you think of the tool as well as the main...
  13. D

    Business Partner & Programming Guru Wanted is looking for a partner with expertise in PHP, mySQL and Javascript. My business partner and I are looking to bring on a business partner with the following skills: Currently in school for Computer science degree, or similar concentration Expert knowledge of PHP and HTML...
  14. D

    Dual LCD Setup!

    no one?