Recent content by deuce868

  1. D

    Just ordered my Dell UHD 24 Monitor UP2414Q

    Thanks, I wonder if you can help me get this setup. I've updated to trusty and I've got v331 of the nvidia drivers up from 313 where I was. I still have the dual screens. Below is my x config. I think I need to fix the metamodes but unsure how best to do that based off a few searches...
  2. D

    Just ordered my Dell UHD 24 Monitor UP2414Q

    Cool, looks like I am a ways behind. I plan on trying out the trusty beta this holiday break and see how it does with things.
  3. D

    Just ordered my Dell UHD 24 Monitor UP2414Q

    Bah, you caught my laziness. Too lazy to do a screenshot for different sites I posted them to. :cool:
  4. D

    Just ordered my Dell UHD 24 Monitor UP2414Q

    Chrome doesn't. I just went into the font settings and there's a "smallest possible font" that I set to 16. It borks a couple of sites for me like Newsblur, but seems to work for most things. Chrome has a high-dpi beta-setting in the flags list but it's not compatible with linux right now.
  5. D

    Just ordered my Dell UHD 24 Monitor UP2414Q

    Well, I also had to yank the plugs, restart, and all that to get into 60hz land. Once I did that, nvidia-settings wants to setup the monitor as two distinct displays. So I've got a twinview setup of dual 1920x2160 displays. It's kind of crazy.
  6. D

    Just ordered my Dell UHD 24 Monitor UP2414Q

    Just got it out of the box and hooked up. I also had to go into the menu to turn on displayport 1.2. Strange it came turned off. I need to get a lot of tweaking done but so far set Chrome's min font size to 16pt and went with 14pt in my terminal and vim windows. I used to run at 10pt...
  7. D

    Just ordered my Dell UHD 24 Monitor UP2414Q

    Ordered on the 16th and got my shipping notice. UPS still says that a label's been created so no idea on the day it'll arrive. Here's to hoping my linux setup will handle it well.
  8. D

    Sudden Spammers on my Forum

    I run a phpbb3 forum that's had this as well. New uses are low volume enough I just did moderated user creation. When you admin a user you can whois the IP and see if it reverse resolves. Since nearly all of our users are local I can usually tell via that if it's serious or not. I'll have to...
  9. D

    PostgreSQL - Best way to update tables

    I'm not sure where to go depending on the language and methods you want to use. Basically you're looking for keywords like "Web services", "SOAP", "XML-RPC", etc. You can do any kind of network system that talks to another one.
  10. D

    PostgreSQL - Best way to update tables

    In that case I'd suggest really looking at creating a back end API using some language and having all of the front ends implement that API instead. This way you can use the language and the tools to save you a bunch of time/effort. Yet enable front ends to make xml/soap/json/etc remote calls...
  11. D

    To ORM or not to ORM

    In the end I say wrap the ORM. That way you can keep a stable API but replace the parts of the ORM that you outgrow. Once a certain method gets too slow due to the way the ORM builds the queries/etc you can replace it with a custom SQL function and move on. 90% of the code is nice ORM code that...
  12. D

    PostgreSQL - Best way to update tables

    It really sounds like this should be the C# devs job. I'd send him a link to NHibernate and be done with it. Creating a pgsql update function for every table? You're kidding?
  13. D

    Terminal question

    Check out gmrun. Assign it to a hotkey, type the command you want to run and let it do it's thing. No sense starting it from the terminal itself.
  14. D

    Postfix Server Strip HTML Content?

    I don't think this is something postfix itself will do. I mean, it really only sends/gets mail. For filtering you need to pass messages to something to do the content filtering. I use amavisd for filtering my mail. So it goes into postfix, off to amavis, and then amavis hands it back to postfix...
  15. D

    Running a small offsite data backup server...

    You have 30mb down 10mb up on cable? I run a backuppc server for some small business clients. I find that after the initial backup, the clients only submit 10-50mb of new stuff per day. It's not nearly 400 clients though. If the numbers make sense, I'd say go for it or at least look at the...