Recent content by diction

  1. D

    Project: Ingraham

    Awesome work.
  2. D

    Amazing Homebrew PS3 Controller

    Truly inspiring. Real gamers keep going, no matter what ;) Sony should support this guy, give him some free games. And maybe help out other disabled gamers make their own controllers.
  3. D

    Creative Releases Updated X-Fi Linux Drivers

    I really hope this works, I am getting tired of having to reach under my desk and plug my speakers onto my onboard every time I booted into Ubuntu.
  4. D

    ASUS P6T Deluxe @ [H]

    Typo: Page 1, Main Specifications Overview shows 86 rear panel USB 2.0 ports.
  5. D

    Albums Unnecessary in Digital Age

    I think he's right. Album are far from being a necessity nowadays. But that will have some resistance from record labels who make a lot of money from selling full albums from pop acts that have one huge radio hit. Personally, I'm more interested in artists who can make cohesive albums...
  6. D

    Study Says Google Does a Brain Good

    Nice, I'll start using "wiki diving" now :)
  7. D

    Galaxy Gives it Away!

    I'm in.