Recent content by .diversant.

  1. D

    is disabling catalyst A.I. still the answer to solving texture flicker?

    If you reboot your comp does that resolve it? I had to do that before noticing that it happened when the PC came back from standby. So I disabled the standby. That has worked for me. It is annoying as hell though.
  2. D

    4870x2 Graphical corruption after sleep state

    Same thing here. Vista Ultimate 64bit. Go into CCC and disable Catalyst AI. Relaunch your game and the problem will go away. BUT you probably want Catalyst AI enabled to take advantage of what it offers. What are your specs?
  3. D

    Radeon 4870 X2: Flickering Issues?

    Same here. Bad flickering in Day of Defeat:Source. If I jack the AA and AF all the way up, it goes away sort of (sometimes) but some textures in the game are transparent. I know how these maps look normally and I can tell the texture beneath is missing I am just seeing the transparent part on...
  4. D

    Who's making these drivers and why are they so hard to find?
  5. D

    ATI 4870x2 questions for other owners

    You install EVERYTHING in that 397meg. version 8.54 ATI package? I noticed that the install will attempt to install some ATI USB drivers by default. I selected not to install that and like 3 other things during the install of the 8.54 drivers. I only selected to install CCC and the drivers...
  6. D

    Need everyone to contribute here

    Second one is more practical. Easier to read. However, with a few changes the first one could be just as good. Perhaps if you put the first one on a black background and create a watermark of the image. Make it opaque (I guess that is the correct word). You would still be able to make out the...
  7. D

    ATTN 4870x2 Owners: Post your 4870x2 pics/benches...Pros and Cons

    Everything in CCC is default. I tried reducing the resolution, taking everything down to Low or Disabled. Only thing that works is playing in windowed mode and that does not really "work" it only makes it look more like it should. Rebooting does not change it. Somthing borks it up after that...
  8. D

    ATTN 4870x2 Owners: Post your 4870x2 pics/benches...Pros and Cons

    Using 8.8 betas and they are working way better than the 8.7s (they were OK) and 8.8 release drivers (total garbage). This thing plays Bioshock like butter. Really nice. Fan seems to be kicking in and out just fine. Temps on one GPU are a little high (~76 degrees idle), other GPU is better (60...
  9. D has the 4870x2 for $469.99 now

    Yepper do. Mine shipped this morning. Woohoo! I still don't like BB that much. However, a little patience goes a long ways I guess.
  10. D has the 4870x2 for $469.99 now

    Same here, bro. I knew that this was going to happen. 1-2 weeks is a little different than "Pre-order Now". <scratches chin> Oh yes, now I remember why I don't go to Best Buy. C0cksm@cks! I just don't want 1-2 weeks to turn into 3 weeks, a month and on and on. I will not be jerked around like...
  11. D

    VisionTek 4870 X2 Best Buy Update

    OK. For $469 I had to go ahead and pull the trigger on this one. Even with tax ($47.38) and Express shipping (~$15), the price is $100 less than the Egg or something like that. Scheduled arrival date is 8/19. That is cool with me, I can wait.
  12. D

    Best ATI Brand?

    I bought an Asus 3780x2 and a Visiontek 3870 Overclock at about the same time. I actually wondered about the Visiontek card but the fan on the Asus just went bad and I had to RMA it. Warranty on the Asus card is 3 years and their RMA process is painless. After swapping the Asus 3870x2 for the...
  13. D

    Random, inexplicable network error round 2

    Same here pretty much. ASUS Rampage with Marvell Yukon 88E8056 PCI Express Gigabit, Windows Vista 64bit. PING works great, nslookup is fine, traceroute is fine. No IE 32bit, no Firefox 32bit, no file shares, no online games. BUT, IE 64bit works great. Weird! First thing I suspected was broken...
  14. D

    Ship That Damaged Under Sea Cable Released

    I do not have a "gripe" with anything (your words, not mine). Don't you agree there are a great many holes in this entire story? I was surprised to see that there are as many as 50 incidents of cables being cut a year as well. The more I read, the stranger this whole thing seems. So, I see your...
  15. D

    Ship That Damaged Under Sea Cable Released

    This article seems to piece it together a little better.