Recent content by evanisthecoastie

  1. E

    CS:GO pug players

    haha no shit? I just moved back to juneau this july.
  2. E

    ESPN Says eSports Isn't a Sport

    Put Pascha biceps up there, he would dwarf them.
  3. E

    Half-Life 3 coming 2014?

    As a dedicated 1.6 player now playing it, I say it's much better than source.
  4. E

    Turkish PM: ‘We’ll Eradicate Twitter’

    The power of the circle jerk is strong in here Shambler, they remind me of old man syndrome. Dont like it? Dont use it. Makes me think of the Rugrats grandpa: "I used to have to walk FIFTEEEN miles through the snow to school, up a hill, with NO JACKET"
  5. E

    Smite: Official Launch

    with how fast they destroyed tribes I wouldnt touch this.
  6. E

    GTX 580 SLI upgrade/sidegrade

    i5 2500k, 120hz monitor
  7. E

    GTX 580 SLI upgrade/sidegrade

    Thank you for the input so far guys, just to expound a bit more on my needs, I am looking for a cheap alternative to my SLI 580's. It does not have to be similar performance, it just needs to run CS:GO comfortably. Cheap card is the name of the game as I am tired of the heat output and noise...
  8. E

    GTX 580 SLI upgrade/sidegrade

    I havnt been following the trends for the last two years and have no idea what is comparable to what I currently have. I am tired of the heat output from my current 580's and am just looking for a cheap alternative that will give me relatively the same performace with a single card for my...
  9. E

    Amazon Customer Service?

    Humility OP, learn it.
  10. E

    CS:GO pug players

    anyone else interested in semi-organized matchmaking? Nothing too serious, just add eachother if you're on type of thing. Post your steam name. Evanisthecoastie
  11. E

    Planetside 2

    yeah, it kind of dumbs down a lot of the strategy involved, and making it just large army mass vs. large army mass. Probably better if they just keep it so you cant cap things that arnt connected, and remove the lattice stuff.
  12. E

    Oculus VR Co-Founder Andrew Scott Reisse Killed

    As the debate goes on about a specific incident, the vagueness and generalizations grows exponentially away from the initial topic.
  13. E

    Planetside 2

    Scatter max's should burn in hell. --TR
  14. E

    Planetside 2

    game is doing well still, Im on waterson and there are huge battles no matter the time of day it seems. the next patch I heard they may be making back capping obsolete, which will force even larger battles to the front lines, I look forward to it!
  15. E

    Planetside 2

    I unfortunately never played the original, but ive been having a damn blast, and this is coming from someone who has been in a gaming slump the last 2 years, havnt enjoyed much of anything past the first week or so. I find myself having a lot of fun. the Gal's are still a very integral part of...