Recent content by feverfive

  1. F


    Yeah, makes it really expensive for wannabe "pro-sumers" like me. Still, impressive design. The lack of upgradeability makes it a "no" for me, unfortunately. And since it's unlikely Apple changes their stance going forward, I might as well start looking at Windows machines. I had a nice 6+...
  2. F

    I'm just about finished with Lion

    I'm having major problems when playing video, whether it be flash-based in a browser or a video file using QT/Perian, VLC or MPlayerX: general system freezes--video freezes, audio continues, system totally unresponsive to mouse/kb input; have to hard shut down by holding down power button...
  3. F

    For you southpaws out there.

    I'm right-handed, but mouse w/ my left hand (due to some pre-arthritic condition, I think...too damn young for that, LOL). I use a Logitech VX Revolution, but miss the functionality I could get w/ the bigger Logitech models.
  4. F

    Why will you jailbreak after iPhone OS 4?

    I'd miss SBSettings & some of the Winterboard functionality like WeatherIcon & changing icons/docks/wallpapers.
  5. F

    Speaker and Headphone Rigs Picture Thread

    Not much of a "rig", I know, but having been jobless for some time has forced me to sell some things & otherwise cut back.. Sept. 2009 iPod Classic & Audio Technica ATH-ESW9a portable headphones... Actually sounds pretty damn nice (ALAC files only)
  6. F

    How much do you pay exactly for your iphone bill?

    I still have a a Edge iPhone (8 GB)-- 450 anytime minutes, rollover, 5000 night/weekend Data Plan + 200 text messages/month my monthly bill with taxes, fees is usually around $72
  7. F

    Should I get an iPhone?

    I've had my 2G iPhone since Dec-07, and I've mostly loved it (jailbroken even though I'm w/ AT&T). BUT, it lacks in what I consider to be the most important function of a mobile phone/device--the phone part itself leaves a lot to be desired. Compared to my (backup) Nokia 6500 Slide, the...
  8. F

    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    No problem... Oh, and the other MF'er can take his self-important, superior a$$ & pound sand.:D
  9. F

    How is the sound quality on a mac?

    I've always felt the audio quality out from my MBP was pretty darn good... It got a lot better when I got my Apogee Duet though. :)
  10. F

    Post your Speaker setup PICS!!!!!!

    Crappy pic (I only have an iPhone, not much into photography), and it only shows a partial view-- Macbook Pro > Apogee Duet (DAC) via firewire > Music Hall a25.2 Integrated Amp > Hsu VTF-1 sub & Epos ELS-3 bookshelf speakers (on stands); also a pair of Denon AH-D2000 headphones on a...
  11. F

    New 2.1 speaker set....stuck between three choices

    x2... I used the 2.1 ProMedias for almost 5 years before recently upgrading to powered bookshelf speakers. The ProMedias are terrific given how cheap they are.
  12. F

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Hell, I'd like almost ANY Jerker...can't find them in my area. I know it's a philosophical question that will be pondered for ages, but why in the hell did Ikea find wisdom in discontinuing the Jerker?
  13. F

    CD Clubs, good/cheap way to get into higher quality?

    Gonna be "on your way" outta here if you keep spamming threads w/ this crap..
  14. F

    $500-$750 Budget: OS X

    ^^^ That does look promising; thanks. Since the A5's are powered, I think I'll focus on a DAC first & foremost if I end up thinking it'll make that much of a difference. I think the MBP outputs "decent" sound the way it is....
  15. F

    $500-$750 Budget: OS X

    O.K. so I just ordered the AudioEngine A5's (direct from the manufacturer website)... I do obviously plan on auditioning these when I get them early next week; just soliciting opinions on whether I "need" to get a DAC to put between the A5's & my MBP... Anyone experienced w/ these speakers...