Recent content by Graedus

  1. G

    EA cans Dead Space series following poor sales of Dead Space 3

    The series was canned because Dead Space 3 needed 5 million copies sold at a minimum. It could have sold 4 million for all we know, but apparently anything below 5M is not enough to cover development costs. Source from an interview on 2012 June
  2. G

    China blocks NYT Story on Leader's 'Hidden Fortune'

    Well, he is the Prime Minister. It would be beneath his station to let lower ranked officials than him amass more wealth than he could. He gotta be on top. It's a matter of principle:o And what's a man without his principles?:D
  3. G

    Want to re-install Windows 7, how to find Product ID/Key?

    Search for SLIC toolkit in google. It's what I used to extract the product key and certificate from my Toshiba laptop. When you run the program, click the Advanced tab then under Pkey&Cert.Valid&Backup row, click on Backup button. It would then ask you for the location where to save the...
  4. G

    Nexus 10

    Does Asus or Samsung manufacture the devices in their own factories or they contract them out to others? I ask because the Nexus 7 seems to be in short supply (at least here in Tokyo, where it's always out of stock in retail stores). And if Asus is hard pressed to satisfy demand for the Nexus...
  5. G

    Dark Souls is on Steam

    For those serious about making a level-specific build for PvP, optimizing equip load, defenses, attack rating, this might be helpful. Generally I just use this to check if the stats of an invader add up correctly to his soul level. Dark Souls Character Planner
  6. G

    Vista Errors Since Installing SSD?

    Is your SSD running the latest firmware? A quick check on OCZ's website says the latest is v1.5 for the Vertex 4.
  7. G

    Did I make a mistake? SSD purchase

    The only potential downside I could see is that it uses a sandforce controller. They're very fast, but not known for reliability. That said, upgrading to an SSD nowadays is worth it now that they've come down in price.
  8. G

    Mass Effect 3 SPOILERS THREAD

    For those who just want to see the extended cut endings: CONTROL (Reaper Shepard monologue) SYNTHESIS (EDI monologue) DESTROY (Hackett monologue) REFUSAL (Liara's...
  9. G

    The Minority Report Input Device Is Here

    Sure looks very interesting for the price. There aren't any specs on their site though, apart from "8cubic feet of 3D interaction space", which i assume is centered around the device. The only question is the availability of programs/apps that can take advantage of this.
  10. G

    "Dark Souls : Prepare to Die Edition" coming to PC.

    I'll be buying this. I just hope they don't pull off something like kicking you out of the game for using Skype or any voice-chat program. They can get away with that in xbox, but not on pc. For me, GFWL is, at best an annoyance or an inconvenience. At worst, it's a game breaker when you lose...
  11. G

    Could you recommend games for Intel HD Graphics 2000 ?

    I had a laptop similar in specs to yours except CPU (mine got an older Core i5-450M 2.40GHz). Team Fortress 2, Portal and Portal 2 ran fairly OK (around 30+FPS) at low settings 1366x768. I can bump up the settings on textures a bit with not much noticeable hit on performance, but that's about...
  12. G

    Dark Souls Thread

    The game is hard, but then you see some guy playing it from start (character creation) to finish -- all in an hour and half :eek: The first 12 minutes of his game (getting past the Belfry gargoyles) took me about 5 hours. He rang the second bell of awakening a little under 19 minutes. He...
  13. G

    Dark Souls Thread

    Best place to farm souls is in Darkroot Garden, 6k souls easy in 2 to 3 minutes, just equip light armor so you can run faster. Here's a you tube video of the method.
  14. G

    Duke Nukem Forever delayed until June

    Well, I honestly would be more shocked if it was released on time. It just doesn't feel right without at least one more delay.:o
  15. G

    VirtualBox v4.0 is out, in case nobody noticed...

    Still no mention of parallel port (LPT) support.:( I'd use virtualbox exclusively if it had that. I use an old CAD program that requires a dongle and works only in Windows XP and older. USB to LPT adapters never work for me.