Recent content by Grimspoon

  1. Grimspoon

    Most cards in stock on nvidia's site

    Two GTX 980's here and 4k in SLI with this setup is hit or miss big time. Some recent examples. Far Cry primal is perfect. Far Cry 5 is spotty, had to lower a lot of settings. Fallout 4 is a bit much at 4k. Same with the newer Hitman games. Edit; only been using 4k for a while but most newer...
  2. Grimspoon

    Fallout 76 Reveals Co-Op Play and Details

    Fallout: Russian Hackers Edition Like Fallout games? Here's a new one where some cunts on your server grief you till you rage quit.
  3. Grimspoon

    Intel Limited Edition Core i7-8086K For Sale

    Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think this is a pretty good SKU and fairly tempting, though I'm still on Sandy Bridge / 2600k so lots of things are tempting these days.
  4. Grimspoon

    BioWare Employee Celebrates and Mocks TotalBiscuit’s Death

    Wasn't Bioware infested pretty thoroughly by anti-gamergate SJW outrage culture types? Those are the types of people who'd openly mock someone for having cancer, wish them dead then celebrate when they pass. Not surprised by this at all.
  5. Grimspoon

    astronomical GPU prices?

    Can't even buy a TitanXp off Nvidia's website now.
  6. Grimspoon

    Windows Server 2016

    Alright, thanks for the reply!
  7. Grimspoon

    Windows Server 2016

    Are there any restrictions on use when obtaining a key from MS Imagine and downloading server 2016 datacenter through there?
  8. Grimspoon

    Why I Don't Have The Stomach For 'Battlefield 1'

    Being professionally offended.
  9. Grimspoon


    Tempted to replace my two 980s with two 1080s but I think back to how many games i've played over the last couple of years which have blatantly omitted SLI support and think.....nah. I'll wait for the inevitable 1080 Ti and re-evaluate then.
  10. Grimspoon

    Bill Gates Does The Splits On The Tonight Show

    Did they hire Tim and Eric to direct that sequence?
  11. Grimspoon

    Hard Drive Reliability Review For 2015

    I trust and have complete faith in my WD Red drives. Now that I've made such a proclamation I'm sure they're doomed to fail any moment now.
  12. Grimspoon

    diagnostic sidebar - this new one is very impressive

    This used to be the best part of Windows "gadget / widget" platform. Paired with Aida64.
  13. Grimspoon

    Report: Nintendo NX Releasing This Year, Is Both Console And Handheld

    900p? Are they gonna be touting this as a feature? Why would you put anything less than 1080p on a mobile device's screen nowadays? Will the NX also feature max 30 fps as a selling point? Nintendo, I think you're doing it wrong. I'll wait for the Nintendo NX U.
  14. Grimspoon

    Nintendo Touchscreen Controller Patent

    Oh, another weird and unwanted "innovation" from Nintendo that they'll ham-fistedly cram into first party titles and force devs to take "advantage" of. Nope. No thanks Nintendo. I've long since had enough of your horse-shit. Also prepare for Nintendo's incoming micro-transactions. Nintendo...
  15. Grimspoon

    Gamergate Movie In Development, May Star Scarlett Johansson

    Instead of trailers will movie theaters show trigger warning PSAs before the movie starts?