Recent content by herald

  1. H

    Three Tools to Tame Windows 8

    Agreed. I also skipped Vista. I will stick with Windows 7 for as long as possible.
  2. H

    Time Draws Short for Office XP

    I am still using office 2000 - just installed it on my Win 7 machines, and it still works great. I see absolutely no reason to upgrade.
  3. H

    Microsoft Releases Windows 7 SP1 on Tuesday

    I for one will avoid this patch like the plague for a couple of weeks until we get the inevitable patches for the patch. Oh yeah, and I am making a full backup BEFORE installing it. Microsoft does not exactly have a sterling record with these things.
  4. H

    UltraViolet Could Mean You'll Really 'Own' That Movie

    DRM by any other name is still DRM. And DRM is stupid. Do. Not. Want.
  5. H

    HardOCP Question on SSD

    I bought a Samsung SSD and I am loving it. Great price, excellent performance.
  6. H

    Windows XP: Is It Time to Move On?

    Who the hell cares about what IE9 does or does not run on? Firefox FTW! I have not intention of upgrading from XP, it works great for me. Now, if I build a new computer, sure, it will be Win 7 - but I will still be using Firefox.
  7. H

    Duke Nukem Forever Confirmed?

    Until its is available for pre-order on Amazon or Steam - its not real. A cool demo does NOT mean a finished playable game will ever be released.
  8. H

    Lights Go Out at Netscape HQ

    AOL still exists?? And how the hell can they afford "Fancy new digs"? I smell a coverup - AOL must be laundering money or something at this point.
  9. H

    Assassin’s Creed 2 Adds Eyefinity Support

    And I highly DON'T recommend that you give a look. As long as Ubisoft tries to foist this ridiculous DRM on us, DON'T BUY THEIR PRODUCTS. This "fix" is a slap in the face. The only acceptable fix is to remove the DRM entirely. Oh - and note to any Ubisoft employees who are reading this...
  10. H

    Trying to Add Portability to Movie Files

    Okay, I didn't know that... Thanks for educating me! I use VLC player for everything, so these details are hidden from me.
  11. H

    Trying to Add Portability to Movie Files

    How about .avi? :confused: it already exists, and almost any media player can handle it.
  12. H

    Is Twitter Worth $1 Billion?

    Twitter is worthless - its a waste of time and bandwidth. If some company is willing to pay 1Billion for it, then the management are idiots.
  13. H

    Corsair HX850W Power Supply @ [H]

    I recently installed this power supply in my PC, and all I can say is it is excellent. Its quiet, efficient, and rock solid stable. 5 stars!:cool:
  14. H

    Windows 7 System Requirements

    Well, I hope you're right. I DO understand the difference between gaming performance and "usable" performance levels. I Set up PC's all the time, and I know that not everyone needs a gaming system. Vista was such a horrid load of cr@p that ti tainted everyone's perceptions. If these...