Recent content by HowzThat

  1. H

    New B&W MM-1 computer speakers and other options

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the MC15's are studio monitors. So....I think you can connect a sub, but simply don't need an amp because they are actives. What bookshelf speakers can you get for this price? Because Dynaudio bookshelf are more like $2000 a pair for quality...
  2. H

    New B&W MM-1 computer speakers and other options

    Okay. I asked the same question as the OP a LONG time ago, but got virtually squat response. Nice to see the topic come up again! Slightly off topic, but still entirely related to the OP's original question, what do people think of these from Dynaudio: The MC15's. Dynaudio's...
  3. H

    HP ZR24w

    Nope. Its the same thing. I've had the Dell U2410 H-IPS and now the EA231 E-IPS. If anything the E-IPS panel is actually better than the H-IPS on the Dell. More relevant would be comparing the coating on the screen. 20wmgx2 by all reports has a fine coating. Anywho u can't compare a...
  4. H

    LCD for a CRT fanatic?

    +1 for the NEC EA231wmi. After this baby I would never go back to a CRT. Everything looks better on the NEC. ;)
  5. H

    A new NEC professional IPS? PA series

    I think that Woodcroft was referring to the fact that there is a distinct absence of quality monitors for your average joe computer user. Average consumers (read non graphic artists/photographers) want quality and ARE willing to pay....but everything has to be within reason....why pay for...
  6. H

    NEC 23" IPS EA231WMi

    This has to be one of the most accurate true to life and funny posts I have read in a long while! I laughed myself silly. It describes me to a tea....or at least the old me...before I got over my return twitch habit. Be reassured Eric that the glow on the Dell U2410 at least in my...
  7. H

    Cant decide between HP LP2475w or NEC EA231WMi

    My advice would be to wait if u can wait...It looks to be a promising maybe even exciting year for the IPS LCD market with a plethora of new models on the market from HP, Dell and NEC. All will be competing for your dollar and all are hopefully aware of what the other is offering. Which...
  8. H

    NEC 23" IPS EA231WMi

    I received a reply from NEC America when I queried H/O direct re buying the NEC in Silver/White in America. There response was brief and to the point. I have deleted it unfortunately since from my mailbox, otherwise I would have pasted here. Suffice to say the Silver/White is not available in...
  9. H

    NEC 23" IPS EA231WMi

    I don't mean to be rude, but if the person behind the camera doesn't really know what they are doing any monitor can be made to look bad. As Blazestorm has already alluded to, the pics that come out are dependent on exposure time, eV level, flash, lighting conditions etc. IOW u can't judge...
  10. H

    Cant decide between HP LP2475w or NEC EA231WMi

    +1. Have the NEC. Beautiful display to look at. Even better when its actually switched on. :D :p Had the Dell U2410 which is similar to the HP2475. Massive problems with these screens. Big 150+ page thread on the HP LP2475 too. Lots of negative comments re tinting. Seems to be worse on the...
  11. H


    Acknowledged. But there reviews are nevertheless very thorough and informative. I always read their review and take their findings/opinion into consideration before making purchase. Very helpful in making an informed decision re monitor purchases, but must always look to other sources too to...
  12. H


    Thank You! :) I think i understand now. This: "But it tells nothing about the representation of (for example) sRGB content. Besides you "look into the profile" and see what primaries are recorded (in case of a matrix profile). A theoretical display with a sRGB coverage of just 50% can of...
  13. H

    Durable HiFi Earphones - Recommendations Please

    Yeah. This is an option I have been considering. But I thought to myself surely in the whole world there must be some damn company that makes IEM's for more active people. With appropriate wiring,build and sound quality of course. ;):D
  14. H

    Durable Earphones - Klipsch v Etymotic

    No.I don't want Bose. I have heard too many bad things about them. Anything else would be great. ;)
  15. H

    NEC 23" IPS EA231WMi

    How did you achieve this ratio? The best I have gotten is 913:1 which is something very similar to TFTcentral's findings. 913:1 is v. good for an IPS but I guess it still can't live up to everybody's expectations for high contrast. Maybe abraxas was referring to the IPS glow that causes...