Recent content by iamadrunkguy

  1. I

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    My dell 32inch had a dead pixel and was getting older and found this samsung 34inch widescreen for Cheaaaap! I'm getting used to it but I do love my square monitors :D
  2. I

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    I have a 15 inch touch screen that I found at work and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on what I could do with it? I was thinking of using it for some sort of jukebox or for simple games. I use retrobat and still haven't looked into integrating into retrobat. Would be cool for...
  3. I

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    I thought I had uploaded a new picture but I didn't, forth monitor was added about a month after 3rd one. Don't really need 4 but good just in case I do 😆 Mainly for Emulation (Retrobat) or Xbox on bottom Monitor, youtube (or other video) on top, torrents on left, and general browsing on right.
  4. I

    New gaming PC build: AMD 5600X/AM4 or Intel 12600K/LG1700? You advice is appreciated!

    I just last week upgraded my 3-3100 to a 5 -5600x and have been very pleased. Havent had intel in a while but I reused my b450 elite board, just needed to upgrade bios to current version.
  5. I

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Looks good, I miss having 3 screens. I may have to add one now ! :joyful: EDIT: added another monitor. Much better now.
  6. I

    Iptorrent Invites

    Still available? PM sent, or will be sent in a moment.
  7. I

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Thanks, I should have used epoxy resin but went the cheap route with polycrylic, next time though it's epoxy. Lots of cool stickers in the packs I bought on Amazon but some of my originals I had on it for years are still peeking through :)
  8. I

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    My little corner of the world. I no longer have a dedicated room but 2nd living room does well for me. 2 Dell 30 inch monitors on vertical stand. Not bad, neck doesn't hurt yet :). U3014 and 3007WFP, one is led the other lcd so led is brigter but I can deal with it. Still need to hook up Wii...
  9. I

    Epoxy Resin Desk

    All done. 3 coats polycrylic glossy. Not perfect but good imo. Edges peeled up on 2 stickers so just pot a bolt on top of it to weigh it down while coat dried then continued coating without normally. Some streaks from brush( foam brush) but only when you look at the reflection of light- pic of...
  10. I

    Epoxy Resin Desk

    I covered it today. I don’t know if I should try matte or glossy polycrylic…
  11. I

    Luciferin. DIY bias lighting for your monitor.

    This looks spectacular! Will give it a shot.
  12. I

    Epoxy Resin Desk

    Time (literally can't have more than 24hrs without desk), money (5x or more for epoxy), temperature (not bad in garage 60 degrees F @ night) are telling me to wait on the epoxy. I've had stickers on the desk for years with little issues now that I think about it so willing to try the cheap'o...
  13. I

    Epoxy Resin Desk

    I'm wanting to epoxy resin my desk, nothing fancy just maybe pictures, stickers, etc. underneath. I was wondering how solid it is as far as attaching desk monitor mounts with the clamp? Would the clamp "break" the resin? Do I really need two coats for a desk that's inside the house and most...
  14. I

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    A touch screen would be really cool in front/top of keyboard, if keyboard is under desk in sliding shelf. I saw a tutorial on how to repurpose laptop screens seems pretty cool. I have several lenovo Yoga 2s laying around and may try it, think it would be cool to mirror a bigger screen and touch...
  15. I

    Show Your LCD(s) setups!!!

    Dang that's what I'm afraid of it being uncomfortable/awkward. My stand comes in tomorrow then monitor next week sometime. It's one of those stands that can be moved around and I can put them stacked or side by side so that will be convenient if I don't like them stacked.