Recent content by imsirovic5

  1. imsirovic5

    Assassin's Creed Red

    And this pressure to include out of place characters has been with us for almost a decade, we all remember scolding that Witcher 3 developers faced because they did not include certain type of minorities in a game that was based on Eastern European folklore...
  2. imsirovic5

    Assassin's Creed Red

    You are so wrong and stuck in your own head it's not even funny. I am all for inclusion and representation being an ethnic minority myself. I have nothing against diversity, in fact I am all for it. But using DEI as a tool to limit artistic freedom leading to subpar gaming experience is what I...
  3. imsirovic5

    Assassin's Creed Red

    I am not on social media, I spend most of my time with my family and close circle of friends and quite a few good books (when I am not traveling around the world). I just listed examples of how cultural norms fueled by DEI agenda have been destroying my hobby. Yet you just assume things about me...
  4. imsirovic5

    Assassin's Creed Red

    I think most people comment on this because DEI kills fun. Games should be all about fun. Games that focus on preaching or shaming or virtue signaling (instead of gameplay) are not fun. I am still pissed that DEI pretty much guarantees I will never experience proper Duke Nukem 3D sequel (or...
  5. imsirovic5

    Assassin's Creed Red

    What were they thinking casting a non-Japanese Samurai, may as well have casted a redhead Scottish to play as Samurai - ridiculous. This will totally break my immersion in the game, thankfully there is Ghost of Tsushima which is probably 100x better game than typical Ubisoft formula anyway.
  6. imsirovic5

    No Rest for the Wicked

    Why no co-op ugh :(
  7. imsirovic5

    Dead Space remake (2023)

    Just finished the remake today and really liked it (having played the original back in the day). For what's worth I did not notice any "modern sensibilities" in the game, and I am typically super allergic to that type of stuff.
  8. imsirovic5

    Evil West

    Yes it can be super colorful, especially on my S95D QD-Oled - so I use NVDA auto HDR / filter to tone down saturation. Great monitor BTW, over 2000 nits measured at 2% which is insane for an Oled.
  9. imsirovic5

    Evil West

    100% agree been playing with my wife - tons of fun. Issue with coop is that only host progresses, however, since I am only playing with her it's a non issue. I really wish we get more games like this that are all about gameplay and not "preachy" type of stuff.
  10. imsirovic5

    Evil West

    It's on Xbox pass - have not had as much fun with a game in a while. Super fast paced, super fun gameplay loop. Reminds me of how games used to be. As someone said above - "rock solid Cowboy vs Zombies popcorn action shooter/brawler - no more, no less.
  11. imsirovic5

    Ghost of Tsushima (Confirmed)

    Thats a really good summary. As far as Sony PC exclusives, so far I played GoW (for me it was just ok don't understand the hype) and Uncharted (loved it). Still have Last of Us and Ratchet & Clank on my backlog. Now I have to add this to backlog too... So many good games so little time.
  12. imsirovic5

    Ghost of Tsushima (Confirmed)

    I do not see any enhanced graphical features in trailer. It is a 4 year old game, they could have added ray tracing or enhanced graphics setting for PC.
  13. imsirovic5

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    I just wish in these types of games they would make the impact somehow visible. Otherwise it feels you are hitting a piece of plastic with another piece of plastic. Breaks up the immersion quite a bit for me.
  14. imsirovic5

    Dragon's Dogma 2

    One thing that looks weird is you hit these big beasts, cut them and like nothing shows on them. Like ripped skin etc. After hitting them and cutting them with sword over and over they look exactly the same. Not sure if I am the only one that thinks this is weird.
  15. imsirovic5

    Indiana Jones videogame teased by Bethesda

    I meant from gaming perspective, I remember playing Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis as a kid -so that would be my latest memory of Indiana Jones gaming experience.