Recent content by insanarchist

  1. I

    KRK RP5 setup questions

    Agree on moving to an outboard soundcard. Additionally, get the fuck away from the RCA jacks: they're unbalanced, and can be a significant noise source in and of themselves. Get a soundcard with balanced TSR or XLR outputs and you'll likely be much better off. That said, the KRK's don't...
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    Studio Monitor: Best in terms of quality?

    Assuming you're serious about treating your room properly (which will make a HUGE difference!), I'd go with the Adams. Stay the fuck away from the Samsons & Behringer's, and I'd generally stray away from the M-Audios, although they're not terrible. If you can, take a listen to any/all of them...
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    cheap mic amp for mbp?

    M-Audio has a couple of good one- and two-input soundcards (the "Fast Track" series) at reasonable prices.
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    Best settings for Sennheiser HD595s and Xfi?

    The best settings for anything sound-related are the highest sampling/bit rate your sound card/computer can produce, with no extra effects of any sort!
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    Good headphones for music production?

    In general, you should take the "frequency response" graphs & stats posted by the manufacturers with a grain of salt. A flat frequency response is important, but there is a lot more to what makes a good/bad set of headphones. The MDR-V6's/7506's are great cans to get you into "real"...
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    KRK RP5 G2 vs M-Audio BX5a

    M-Audio does a lot of things right, but in general speakers aren't one of 'em, at least as far as recording/mixing goes. I'd take the RP5's any day, no question.
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    iTunes s___s

    Haven't used a Windows box for a little while, but iTunes runs pretty much flawlessly on OS X. As for updates, personally I'd rather all programs were updated as frequently and easily. Bug fixes & compatibility updates = A Good Thing (tm)
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    The official "clean desktop" club.

    My entry:
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    Recording on computer, sounds horrible.

    Basically, 99% of the consumer cards out there, especially the onboard ones, are NOT made to handle audio in anything resembling a professional manner. If you plan on doing anything that sounds any good, an entry-level "pro" card will set you back around $100-150, and will beat the living shit...
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    80min CD - 700mb but how to calculate?

    God I love being in a nerd forum :)
  11. I

    Core T1300 & Core Duo T2300... compatible?

    Hey guys, sorry 'bout the late response (been busy with work n' stuff!). The laptop is a Toshiba A105-S4011. We went with upgrading the ram from 512 to 2GB for a grand total of $40 (gotta love them ever-droppin' memory prices!). After that, if she still needs more speed, we were debating a...
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    Core T1300 & Core Duo T2300... compatible?

    Oh c'mon now, anybody? I thought you called yourselves computer nerds... haha :p
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    Core T1300 & Core Duo T2300... compatible?

    My girl's got an older mid-range laptop w/ a Core Solo T1300 in it, and she's looking to get some more life out of the machine. I've already got her upgrading to 1-2 gig vs. 512, and up to a 7200RPM hard drive, but I'm not sure if the Core Duo T2300 is compatible with the T1300. Assuming the...
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    Apple Growth Will Draw Malware Attacks Eh, maybe I'm wrong :p
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    Apple Growth Will Draw Malware Attacks

    Being a PC gamer recreationally (SP?) and Apple user professionally, I can with certainly say I am neither a PC or Mac "zealot". That said, I remember an article somewhere mentioning that Apple had one of their servers up with no firewall or antivirus or anything, and challenged any hacker to...