Recent content by Instynx

  1. I

    Post your workstations 2011

    I caught a sale on newegg back in August, picked it up for $193 shipped. Now I think they are in the $220-250 range. Pedals included.
  2. I

    Post your workstations 2011

    Here's my latest update (the Red Wings jersey was a Christmas gift). Dirt 3 with the G27 is too much fun! Merry Christmas everybody!
  3. I

    Post your "rate my cables" here

    Lian Li BS-06 Thanks! Not completely finished yet. Got a couple more ideas up my sleeve.
  4. I

    Post your "rate my cables" here

    Lian Li PC-A05NB: Went from this: To this: As anyone who owns this case knows, there is very little room and not much for cable management in this case. But I did my first cable mod job and it turned out alright.
  5. I

    Pin location question: Corsair AX850 24-pin cable

    and on further inspection, you are right. i think everything is good to go now. thanks guys!
  6. I

    Pin location question: Corsair AX850 24-pin cable

    what about +3v3 and +3v3s?
  7. I

    Pin location question: Corsair AX850 24-pin cable

    Just got done single-sleeving the 24-pin main power connector for my AX850 and I'm 95% sure I had every wire where it belongs, but I wanted to double check and found a wiring diagram here. Now, it looks to me like my cable has the pins #4 and #21 reversed according to the diagram. They are both...
  8. I

    The Little Tower of Power! (future build log)

    Dang, 3-day weekend... "whatever shall I do?" :D:D
  9. I

    The Little Tower of Power! (future build log)

    Modding the bracket for the new hard drive mount my little helper jumping in! Yes, I know the wires are a mess. Step two will be custom-length wires and some serious cable management/sleeving. Thinking of going with red sleeving, any thoughts?
  10. I

    LCD TV as single monitor

    If you are connecting HDMI to HDMI, it should just be plug in and go. What kind of graphics card are you using? I have two NVIDIA GTX 560 Ti's in SLi and I have two TVs as my monitors. All I did was plug them in via the Mini-HDMI outputs on each card with the Mini-HDMI>HDMI adapter and they...
  11. I

    Post your workstations 2011

    I was feeling pretty good about my setup until I saw Frank. :eek::eek::eek: But here's mine anyways:
  12. I

    The Little Tower of Power! (future build log)

    Well, I'm back from Afghanistan and it's time to build a new computer. Here's my first batch of parts, the stuff I ordered and shipped to my parents' house while I was gone. The motherboard and power supply are waiting at my place unfortunately, so I have about a week before I can actually...
  13. I

    UEFI vs. Gigabyte "Touch BIOS"

    I appreciate the heads-up, however I will be ordering through newegg more than likely, (no computer parts stores in Arkansas). I also have 2 USB 3.0 external hard drives and I ordered a SATA3 SSD for my boot drive. So far I have everything bought except the motherboard. Can't wait to get home!
  14. I

    UEFI vs. Gigabyte "Touch BIOS"

    Just wanted to say thanks again for all the input. After a little more deliberation and research, I think I've settled on a board: The UEFI-equipped ASRock Z68 Extreme4 Gen3. It has everything I need (USB 3.0, SATA3, and an old-school PCI slot for my sound card that isn't covered up by a GPU)...
  15. I

    UEFI vs. Gigabyte "Touch BIOS"

    Wow, thank you for your reply! Better response than I'm used to getting, very informative and unbiased. Thank you. Nice to know about that HDD size restriction, I never knew about that before. I don't have any super-sized hard drives at the moment but it's good to know for the future. UEFI...