Recent content by JamesM

  1. J

    Where is your PC case? - Left or Right?

    In the middle, behind my monitor.
  2. J

    Jerker Gallery?

    Great tie collection man ;)
  3. J

    My First mod (preview)

    I'd like to see more pics and a worklog for this... looks great :)
  4. J

    Dew Mod - The COMPLETE how-to is UP!

    Since when has this forum been for web design tips? Its a great mod, leave the guy alone :rolleyes:
  5. J

    Not all who wander are lost

    Glad the cat is ok, and try to ignore the new power hungry mod. Looking forward to seeing more of this mod :)
  6. J

    Adeptus Mechanicus Techno-Reliquary

    I'd love to see this pulled off! Great concept! :D
  7. J

    Worklog of the week?

    No :) I'm sick of sticky/pinned topics on forums. If the worklog is good enough it will get the attention it deserves imo. And if the mod is good enough it could/should end up on the main [H] page.
  8. J

    Why are Cases Crappy?

    If you're not happy with whats on the market, make your own.
  9. J

    HPR-4 Flame'D

    Amazing! :D
  10. J

    the easy way of cutting plexi

    Use an off-cut to test it first... You might get better results running the drill in reverse.
  11. J

    the easy way of cutting plexi

    Snapping is great on thin sheets. But a circular saw is by far the easiest way of cutting perspex or acrylic, even better if its a table saw. Jigsaws are great for smaller cuts, but its important to take your time and not rush the cut as it causes melting. Also, make sure you use a metal...
  12. J

    Project: parallel HEX (completed!)

    Keep going mate, your work is quite inspirational ^_^
  13. J

    acrylic sheet

    Best advice I can give you is to forget ordering online. Pop down to your local industrial estate and hunt down plastics suppliers there - most will have off cut bins with anything up to 2 foot sheets of 'scrap' of various colours... find the foreman and haggle with him. Of course, you can...