Recent content by jeffreybt

  1. J

    Gigabyte X570 Aorus Master won't power on - (temporary) solution

    I had the same issue with my x570 master seeming to be completely dead, tried everything including removing the battery (but for not long enough) setup a RMA and was ready to send it in when i found the post on reming the batter for 30+ sec so I gave it a shot and it worked. no issues since and...
  2. J

    Netflix Raises U.S. Prices

    I think i'm paying $17 Canada a month, when I originally got it I was paying $7 I now have a much much smaller selection of shows to watch, and 95% of the Netflix originals are down right terrible. prime video is terrible too but at least it comes along with my prime account for "free" I may...
  3. J

    Atari VCS Hardware Specs Revealed

    did they hire someone from apples old ad campaign to make this video? "magical, reimagined, emotional, beautiful, refreshing breath of air" who exactly are they trying to sell this to?
  4. J

    GM Plans to Launch Autonomous Car Without Steering Wheel or Pedals Next Year

    Self driving cars are almost completely useless on snow covered roads (and bad weather in general), they don't deal with roadwork well or at all, unfinished and unpainted roads are also a major problem. there is a long way to go before they are the norm for anyone outside of testbed cities.
  5. J

    At Google Men Are Paid More Than Women

    I'm a low life working class guy who works in oil and gas, you can easily make more money here than the vast majority make at google(tech in general) plus we have diversity hire bonuses, so if you don't have a penis you get more money right from the get go. Yet women outside of the offices jobs...
  6. J

    Woman Assaults Man For Taking Pictures With A Drone

    pretty messed up shes getting off so easy, had the roles been reversed you can bet he would be in jail for a long time. Hell, had this poor kid defended himself he would still be in more trouble then her.
  7. J

    Sony Cut The PS4 Camera to Beat Microsoft on Price

    Any quality video camera can read your pulse, all it needs to do is detect a slight change in the colour of your skin from when the blood pumps in and out.
  8. J

    Oculus VR Co-Founder Andrew Scott Reisse Killed

    Look at the page you linked hint:usa average = 77-80), now look at what I posted. hint: I said usa and not war torn third world countries the man who died lived in the USA and was pretty well off, you could expect him to live to 80 and beyond. 33 is not half of 80
  9. J

    Oculus VR Co-Founder Andrew Scott Reisse Killed

    Average lifespan for someone in the USA is 80, you have to live in a pretty war-torn third-world country to have a life expediency of 60-65 years.
  10. J

    Xbox Announcement Live Stream

    christ JoeUser, you need to wipe the sony seminal fluids off your chin... you have made like fifteen posts about how superior the PS4 is since the XBox reveal.
  11. J

    Microsoft Bringing Xbox Live Games To iPhone and Android

    it's probably one of the cleanest and best looking apps on the iPad, if only they had done a better job on the Xbox UI change.
  12. J

    The Most Influential Tech of 2011

    Siri is absolute garbage unless you live in the USA and my 4S battery life is pathetic, so for me the 4S was a dud. Love my iPad2 though (although its battery life also got worse after the 5.0 hotfix)
  13. J

    Microsoft: We've Had Siri-Like Tech for More Than a Year

    4s user here, its completely useless in Canada.
  14. J

    Google Rejects Fat Job Applicants?

    the fact that people relate being skinny to being healthy is hilarious.
  15. J

    HP LP2475w (Possible new IPS)

    Sigh, that was quick, I have a new issue already..... a large ~10 pixel black dot high centre of the screen. it shows up in every colour but does not appear to be a dead pixel.. its almost as if there is something at the back of the screen.