Recent content by jhtrico1850

  1. J

    T-Mobile Upgrade coming up.. Need some recommendations!!

    Hi guys I believe my upgrade is around the summer, but is there anyway that I can find out online from, would I have to call them, or how can I find out?
  2. J

    The reason for quad core 45nm consumer delay Looks like Intel will downgrade mainstream quads to 1066FSB to accomodate.
  3. J

    Three of Intel's 45nm quad-core CPUs being delayed

    So far no mainstream 1333FSB quads have been released. Some boards out there can't handle 1333FSB quads reportedly and it's nothing to do with the...
  4. J

    AMD Phenom 9600 Black Edition Overclocking @ [H]

    You took my statement out of context ennis, like I said, all CPUs have "bugs" but some bugs are more than just trivial, hence they have to be recalled, stopped in production, or patched, etc, and that's when the press report. But since were at it...
  5. J

    AMD Phenom 9600 Black Edition Overclocking @ [H]

    Which? All CPUs have "bugs", but only some are deemed serious enough to recall, stop production, be patched. What's FUD in reporting it? Oh?,1697,2226946,00.asp nope Also, according to AMD But the enthusiasts will? Haha...
  6. J

    France Set to Cut Web Access for Pirates

    Can't they just find the most popular files, look up the IPs of seeders on Bittorent or Limewire or whatever?
  7. J

    AMD Phenom & Spider & Intel QX9770 Comparo @ [H]

    You can get 8800gt or 3870 with both platforms. If you can get dual graphics, then obviously cost isn't an issue for you, and it's clear who wins there. 790fx isn't exactly a compelling solution either "In its current state, we simply can't recommend the...
  8. J

    Intel's New 45nm Yorkfield QX9650 @ [H]

    If you are looking to see how much the CPU will output in an unnatural (individual core loading) and extreme state, then I guess OCCT will do the job.
  9. J

    Intel's New 45nm Yorkfield QX9650 @ [H]

    Any threaded app should spread itself well enough across the cores. Have you noticed the task manager screenies of Tech Report's reviews? They're pretty even for the threaded apps. BTW, just because you may see "100%" stress doesn't mean that 100 is always equal to 100. . Cinebench and...
  10. J

    Intel's New 45nm Yorkfield QX9650 @ [H]

    Extreme chip are designed to use up to 130w. If you stress a chip enough, it will be reaching there if it has to while not degenerating the chip. High TDP just means higher tolerance of more watts, not necessarily that it runs hot normally. However, when you use real apps, not Intel Thermal...
  11. J

    Intel's New 45nm Yorkfield QX9650 @ [H]

    "Actual" to who? ? X6800 used to be significantly less wattsy than the quads, now this methodology koofungles up the results.
  12. J

    Intel's New 45nm Yorkfield QX9650 @ [H] Here is some voltage info.
  13. J

    Intel's New 45nm Yorkfield QX9650 @ [H]

    Why are your wattage so off compared to other sites? Maybe it would make a difference if you loaded the systems with real apps.
  14. J

    Barcelona Benchmarks genuine?

    why do you compare a SPECfp®2006 result with a SPECfp®_rate2006 result? the nonrate bench is a single suite. _rate runs multiple instances of the same bench.
  15. J

    AMD K10 SuperPi Results

    I've looked and can't find this 300% variance. Please show me!