Recent content by jonstatt1

  1. J

    Samsung S27A950D 120Hz

    You are talking about the yellow sticker on the box? Mine says SSG-3100GB on the yellow sticker. SSG-M3150GB was never formally released AFAIK. Originally these monitors were supposed to come with rechargeable glasses, and then they came out with the cheapy battery ones instead. Samsung tell me...
  2. J

    Samsung S27A950D 120Hz

    Thanks for that. I have been disuscussing it the supplier in the UK and it seems the whole batch they got are the same as mine. These are ones made in Romania. A rather unfortunate issue
  3. J

    Samsung S27A950D 120Hz

    I received my S27A950 a few days ago. One thing I noticed on mine is that the screen will not move totally vertical. It is always tilted back a little bit. Do others find the same?
  4. J

    NEC LCD2690Wuxi - European users comments, please

    I found another bit of email..but once again doesn't detail the problem, just shows an exchange I had with NEC "Thank for your kind email and your readiness to explore further. I think there is some misunderstanding from our phone conversation. If we have the software available to...
  5. J

    NEC LCD2690Wuxi - European users comments, please

    Hmm....I am not exactly sure how to respond to this. I first contacted the authors of the Spectraview software (European version), but I did this by phone. They told me to contact NEC about the issue but did state they knew about the problem. I then contacted NEC UK, who put me in touch...
  6. J

    NEC LCD2690Wuxi - European users comments, please

    The monitor is way too bright even with colorcomp on with the defaults, which are maximum brightness. The brightness with colorcomp on will vary from monitor to monitor. If you imagine a white screen at maximum brightess, some parts of the screen will be brighter than others. Colorcomp will...
  7. J

    NEC LCD2690Wuxi - European users comments, please

    The 2690s made 2 types of noises 1) buzzing - only found on first batch 2) cricket noise. This happens only when the backlight is dimmed down. I have very sensitive hearing and can hear it if I tune in...but seem to be able to forget about it most of the time. Some friends say they can't...
  8. J

    NEC LCD2690

    My 771 unit still makes a slight crickets type noise at lower brightness levels, but it is quiet enought hat it doesnt bother me. With colorcomp off though, it is really not uniform. I notice people are using black screens to check for should try with a white screen too. What...
  9. J

    NEC LCD2690

    I received my replacement unit which is now revision 4C. This one is much better with colorcomp even at lower luminance levels. I wouldn't say its perfect though, as the luminance is a bit brighter at the edges. However it is just as well colorcomp now works for me, because there is really...
  10. J

    NEC LCD2690

    You may remember I posted there was an acknowledgement by NEC EUrope that the colorcomp calibration was not correct on most 2690s leaving the factory and would show up on monitors calibrated to a low brightness ouptut (e.g 120cdm2) as slight colour uniformity errors. NEC have now contacted me...
  11. J

    NEC LCD2690

    Thats interesting. Are you using the European Spectraview profiler? If so, there are two versions of it. One that switches off colorcomp and one that doesn't. The special version that switches the colorcomp off was written because of the calibration problem. You can download the verison that...
  12. J

    NEC LCD2690

    Are you sure you are not hitting the colorcomp flaw that I have experienced? The colorcomp flaw is that for certain mid luminances, there was an error in calibration at the factory and colour uniformity goes a bit out of whack. Try turning colorcomp off and see if the problem goes away? NEC...
  13. J

    NEC LCD2690

    Travbomb. Has the problem with the colorcomp calibration for mid luminance levels in the factory been sorted yet?
  14. J

    Weak Pixels?

    There most definitely is something between a stuck and a dead pixel. 1) The pixel allows some more light to pass than its neighbouring pixels on a black screen. This differs from a truly stuck pixel as it is not full brightness. Normally this problem is only visible on a black screen or a...
  15. J

    NEC LCD2690Wuxi for photography / photo-editing

    In Europe, there are 2 versions. The Spectraview version has modified firmware that licenses the European software which is BasICColor. The firmware avoids the need for software registration keys or limiting it to one computer connected to that monitor. The American software does not use...