Recent content by Karech

  1. K

    please help,ASUS antisurge getting trigerred!

    Good to hear you found the problem.
  2. K

    please help,ASUS antisurge getting trigerred!

    4 pin should still power it. How often do you see the surge warning? Run the other supply for as long as you think it will take rule out a bad supply.
  3. K

    please help,ASUS antisurge getting trigerred!

    Swap in a different power supply, or use a power supply tester. Also it could potentially be the wiring in your house. A UPS is good for adding extra filtering.
  4. K

    ATI 6950 and Geforce 560Ti

    Hey guys, Im in the same boat as catalzzy. Im looking to upgrade from my evga GTX 275 896 to either card. Can anyone give me a rough performance difference from what im running now? Also anyone see any bottleneck with the other hardware? The upgrade will mainly be for Skyrim, running...
  5. K

    Kingston SSD V series 128GB

    From what ive seen the intel and ocz ssds will have better performance. But like you guys said my raptor was showing its age and games are getting bigger and bigger to the point where I could only install 3 to 4 at a time. So this should get me some extra breathing room for installs as well...
  6. K

    Kingston SSD V series 128GB

    Ok here are my results for the kingston:
  7. K

    Kingston SSD V series 128GB

    Just got it today, i have a fresh install of win7 on my 74G raptor (RC build 7100) im going to run some tests with crystal disk mark 2.2. I should have some numbers for the ssd in an hour.
  8. K

    Kingston SSD V series 128GB

    good to hear your not having any issues :) I will be using win7 as well.
  9. K

    Kingston SSD V series 128GB

    I ordered one of these over the weekend should be shipping soon. Ive heard mixed things about the controller on it (jmicron), but the price was good. Does anyone have CrystalDiskMark benches for it?
  10. K

    Corsair HX850W Power Supply @ [H]

    I just picked up the seasonic 850W myself. I cant wait to try it out.
  11. K

    Question about antec 300 finish

    Anyone know if the antec 300 has the same finish as the antec sonota III? Im asking because the sonota III scratches and marks up easily.
  12. K

    Why It's OK To 'Steal' Wi-Fi

    I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this but, whenever you connect to an unprotected wifi router your computer asks for permission before connecting to it and the router gladly gives your computer an ip address to use. So no its not like walking into an open door at all.
  13. K

    Online Relationships Don't Last

    Holy crap. Im going on a first date tonight with a girl i met online. Thanks thanks a lot for that news post. :eek: